
What are some exciting things you are learning? (A Jazzy Inspired Question!)?

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Now for something completely different and hopefully a brief respite from the usual...

So... what are some fun and exciting things you are learning?

My son and I have taken on a computer animation / video project (as we have time). We were inspired by the "Homeschool Family" (e.g. Addam's Family) video that was going around...

We are working on an animation to the tune of Green Acres.

Here is the wording we have come up with(- = male voice & * = female voice):

-Homeschooling is the place for me.

-Home learnin’ is the life for me.

-Books spreadin’ out so far and wide.

-Keep your schools just give me that homeschool pride.

*PUBLIC SCHOOL is where I’d rather stay.

*I get bullied every day.

*I just adore the peer pressure.

*Mamma I love you but give me the test du ‘jour.

-The chores.

*The bores.

-Fresh air.

*Bomb scares.

-You are my child.

*Good bye, social strife.

-Homeschooling we are there.

Wording suggestions?




  1. What fun! My kids participated in an online reading "journey" called Idita-Read - - and will do it again this year (it starts Feb. 15). I was amazed at how competitive it made them! They really had fun, and it looks like it will be even better this year....

  2. Sign Language and a little Japanese

  3. Computer Programming and Robotics is at the top of my list right now. I love it. I'm working on a text-based kind of RPG (something like Second Life or World of Warcraft, only without the graphics) with 3D sound and navigation for the blind. I'm doing this with a small group of friends (most are in college, or have finished school). The others working on it arey WAY more advanced than I am, but I learn best through real life experiences, so the move I work with them, the more I learn and the more I can contribute. As for Robotics, I've already built a small "robot" currently capable of tactile navigation and communication using a piezo(sp?) electric speaker to produce different beeping patterns and pitches. I programmed this feature so that it will play a sound before initializing a program, play a sort of SOS if it gets stuck somewhere, and if it's running a program with multiple tasks (and I want to know which part of the program it's on) I can make it beep once before the first routine, twice before the second, etc. In my next few lessons I'm going to remove it's tactile sensors and replace them with light sensors, this way I can program it to either constantly move towards or away from a sourse of light. My challenge at the end of the week is to program the bot to successfully navigate a tunnel maze of cardboard boxes using both tactile and light sensors.

  4. LOL, thats great!

  5. Cute cute!

    We are all learning different things around here.

    My oldest is working on French and C++. He's moved from basic on his trumpet to jazz and improved R&B.

    Next is working on baking and poetry

    My newly 9yo is learning Spanish, and really working on cartooning and programming. She is learning the piano and violin.

    My newly 8yo is also working on comic strips and the graphic novel as art. She is also working on other hands-on arts, like puppetry (she just read "My Life as a Red Furry Monster" by the guy who plays is a great book!) She's also learning the viola.

    My 6yo is playing Pokemon every single day. I know that people look down upon it, but he's learning skills that will really help him with advanced academics later. He's practicing a lot with the piano, and scouting takes up a great deal of his day.

    My 4yo is working on play skills, and family life. He is learning to nurture his little sister, and also working hard on helping around the house with chores.

    My 2yo is learning Spanish with her sister. It is very sweet to watch them work together.

    I personally think that every adult should be learning, modeling a desire to learn. I taught myself to knit last year, so this year I'm moving from cross-stitch to hardinger lace, and I'm also learning to play the guitar and banjo. I'm also learning how to lead the boy scouts, as my son's cub den is needing an additional leader, who knew it took so many training hours?

  6. Haha!! I love it!!! I am home schooled!!! : )

  7. Hee hee - love it!  Can't wait to see/hear the finished product!

    Let's see...we're learning about electricity (brought on by a science experiment in ds's marine biology book, learning how a shark senses electric impulses through salt water), chemical reactions (through electricity and baking, of all things), Lewis and Clark, the wonderful world of Narnia, and working in a play called "The Phantom of the Op'ry".  (Pretty funny spoof!)

    That's not all, of course, but it's what comes to mind :-)

  8. Love it!

    Let's see, right now the kids are in film school - that includes script writing, prop making, acting, filming, lights, (behind the scenes stuff), editing.  The kids make a short film - usually about 12 minutes long.

    We're taking ski lessons this week.

    One daughter is taking sign language.

    Drama/musical starts next week.

  9. LOL, that's cute!

  10. I love it, especially en francais.

    What a great, fun project!

  11. haha, that is AWESOME! One thing I would suggest is to add a couple of words to make it flow better. I sang it to myself, and found that "I get bullied every day" doesn't flow as well as the rest of the song. Maybe... "I get bullied every single day". That is all I found! The rest is adorable, you should make a deal with the record company! Good luck on your project, I continue to enjoy answering your questions. God bless you!

  12. That's cute.  When you get finished, put it on You Tube!

  13. That's great.

    We are about to start a bird experiment from the science book we are using. It teaches about air flow aroung the wings. My daughter really got into birds this year so we turned her curisoty into a subject. We have gone bird watching and plan to go again in the spring. She has a feild guide and points out the different birds she sees through out the day.

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