
What are some excuses for punching someone in the face?

by  |  earlier

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Other than it was self defense




  1. There was a fly on your lip

  2. They jumped into my fist.

  3. There are none.

  4. Try saying "No, you apollogise, you really hurt my hand by headbutting it"

  5. There are no excuses.  That's assault, and the person you punch could press charges.

  6. Self Defence is the only legal defence. Otherwise you've committed the crime of assault. You may be able to bring in mitigating factors (provocation, impairment of judgement due to alcohol etc) but these will only affect the potential punishment, not the fact you are guilty.

  7. you fell into them.. LOL jk ;D XD

  8. Defense of others.


  10. i was stretching and his face got caught in my fist     lol

  11. just say it wasnt you.

  12. Some people just have faces that are very punchable.

  13. Oops...I sneezed...over and over and over and.....

  14. Say it was an accident. =)

    Idk, self defense is the best awnser.

  15. That you have a tick and that you didn't mean to because you had no choice.

  16. they punched you first it was your automatic reaction.

    On a serious note though, theres never a good excuse. Even with what i said above, if you retaliate your just as bad as that person. The best advice if you feel you could just PUNCH someone for whatever the reason is to WALK AWAY. Its easy to fight back in violence but it takes a STRONG person to just walk away.

  17. hit him and say you thought he was someone else... then RUNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!

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