
What are some exercises a 9 year old boy can do to build up his leg strength?

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My stepson is out of shape and a bit overweight. He is having a hard time with skiing and I think it's partly because he's out of shape. Are there any exercises that he can do to help him gain some more strength? He's a great kid and I know that he will do them. He just needs some guidance.




  1. as a 15 yr old and a ski racer i know how much strength it takes to ski. I have raced my  whole life, and cross trained. Why not get him into a youth basketball program? It would be a fun way to get in shape, and be with friends. Nobody likes to run, bike or do squats by themselves!! Especially not kids (i know i am one). As i am guessing it is winter where you live biking is not practical nor is it safe. Indor sports will be the key for him.

  2. ride a bike. the main bike he should ride is a 6 speed. so he can change the difficultly of pedaling. the hard the stronger his legs get. plus it's fun,so a 9 year-old would enjoy

  3. squt thrusts ( try w/ weights)




    workout DVD

    challenge him to beat you in wall sits

  4. Well since he's 9 years old he would be very energetic. So I would sugest bike riding, running, and if he's up to it, squats. Then he could move on to wieghted squates. The bike riding builds stength in his knee joints, running helps claves and to build cardio and the squates helps quads (thighs) and claves.

    I hope this helps.

  5. Well he could do stretches (just sitting down and leaning onto each leg to get you tendons streching) but really, he can loose that extra weight skiing and walking up the hills he goes on.

  6. My legs used to be sticks. Now, my children can't believe what they look like from the years I spent "using" them to get them to look like they do.

    I did these simple and fun things to build them:






    I got rid of my TV when I was 20 and got off my butt. I didn't buy a computer until just a few years ago but I have great legs while using it.

    If HE wants to lose weight and look good then what he puts in his body will have a large contributing factor in what he looks like too.

    Cut out deep fried food, pastries, pasta, potato, candy, soft drinks, and stuff out of boxes. Focus on fruits, veggies, and lean meats. Exercise isn't the only thing that will help him out, he has to eat right to keep fit too.

    And the real biggie is to have him get off his butt when he is in the house wanting to veg. out in front of the TV or computer.

    Go with him. You will build a stronger relationship and both of you will have thankful bodies.

  7. forget training...let him enjoy playing the more he plays and enjoys himself the more active he will become hence the more weight he will shed

    I hated dry mountain training when I was racing so instead I played soccer....lots of soccer, outdoors in the summer, indoor soccer in the winter. Soccer is ideal for building the muscles necessary to good skiing and every decent size city has indoor soccer facilities.

  8. lots of running and execises and streches

    cjood luk

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