
What are some exercises i can do to train for mma?

by  |  earlier

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i am 16 and a little under wieght, i want to gain a few pounds and start training for mma. but i dont have any money to go out and pay some one to train me. so im looking for some activites i can do on my own. and a good diet that will help me gain about 20 to 30 pounds. right now i wiegh 120 and im 6 ft so im really tall and skinny, so im hoping to gain atleast 20 pounds so i wont look as skinny, also im not very strong thats why i want to start training. i figured if i gave my reasonings for why i want this it might help u answer better cause now u kno my situation




  1. I have it on good authority that Randy Couture & Team Quest trains exclusively in a regimen of jumping jacks and squat thrusts.  If they can do it, you can do it!

  2. first things first, you dont much of what you want without money.

    your 16, so go out and get a job, then you can join a gym and bulk up, to do it as you want to do it, you may need suppliments if your naturally 'skinny' .

    all mma fighters have a background speciality, ie boxing, kick boxing, jui jitsu etc, so if you can find any books or download any instructional videos, thats as free as your going to get.

    if you want the perfect solution, ask around all the local gyms, boxing gyms, etc etc for a job, any job that will get you in for free training and free advice.

    and to gain a good 20-30 lbs jus like that u will need money for suppliments and a good diet.

    good luck.


    until then, research how to develop 'core strength'  

    or look for charles bronsons book on solitary cinfinement muscle building. all free excercises.

  3. i would stay away from supplements...once you get started on em youll probably just need more and better ones and theyre not cheap...plenty of people out there do it naturally...i mean getting a protein supplement is one thing...but i would stay away from the new-age creatine and what not c**p...for excercise, work on pushups and pullups for strength, and if your gonna weight train i would go for more weight with less reps, as more reps will just define and tone...what do i know though...theres a million ways you can go about achieving your what makes you feel great...

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