
What are some exercises that make your fingers stronger for piano?

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that don't actually involve a piano. simple things i can do while watching tv or something.




  1. In the Army we would squezze a firm ball(stress ball) to help with trigger pull.  

  2. stress ball

  3. Stress ball like others already suggested... I use to press my fingers against something hard, like a table (pretend that you're playing the piano at it). If you don't have a table near by, press your fingers one at the time against your thumb (like the thumb was a piano key).

  4. You should rip paper in small, tiny pieces, or squeeze a stress ball constantly.

  5. spread your fingers midly far apart in the piano position and the with each finger, one at a time, press really hard.

    or stress ball

  6. you can get some of those grippers from your local sporting goods store.

    or you can do push ups on the pads of your fingers. your palms are suspended by your fingers while you do them.(thats my personal favorite for developing strong fingers and grip for fighting).

  7. Use a coin on top of your fingers, and play the scales, and make sure the coin doesnt drop from the top of your fingers. Also, you might one to get a small ball, preferably soft and sqeezable and just sqeez it  a couple of tims. Hope this helps!

    Play the piano.

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