
What are some expected projects or initiatives that could emerge from a Forum about dialog between youth?

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A forum about a dialog between youth from age of 18 to 35 to empower youth in the arab region and increase their participation in social and political issues.

also what are suggestions or mechanisms on how Youth could communicate with each other and follow up on the Forum’s outcomes?

thanks for all the answers!




  1. Your question is a project by itself.

    In Arab world, the role of youth is just talked about as there is no frame for youth development for them to become the  leaders of the future.

    Thus youth do not realize the vitality of their role as well as they lack the mechanism that help them achieve any active participation.

    Politically, youth is a target with the aim of having them aligned to certain party direction and this requires youth to be an election voice not a partner in decision making.

    Socially, youth lack management & material resources that help them really be part of the active civil system.

    So my suggestion is to focus interest at this stage toward developing a frame that youth build it themselves and having it aligned with country direction (if there is one).

    Finally, let us be aware that Arabs are not homogeneous and thus they are diversified in culture with different attitudes.


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