
What are some expressions or figures of speech involving hands? e.g. green thumb, caught red handed...?

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What are some expressions or figures of speech involving hands? e.g. green thumb, caught red handed...?




  1. to be hand in glove with someone = be in close relationship with someone.

    He was found to be hand in glove with the enemy.

    to be an old hand at something = be very experienced at something.

    to eat out of someone's hands = be under someone's influence.

    She soon had the class eating out of her hand.

    to give/lend someone a hand = help someone.

    to have/take a hand in something = be partly responsible for something.

    The party was great, I bet he had a hand in it.

    to have one's hands full = be extremely busy.

    to know something like the back of one's hand = be thouroughly familiar with something.

    He's a taxi driver, so he knows the city like the back of his hand.

    to live from hand to mouth = satisfy one one's present basic needs.

    He won't start saving money when he's been living from hand to mouth all his life!

    to show one's hand = let others know one's intentions.

    I suspect they're planning something but they haven't shown their hand yet.

    to wait on someone hand and foot = serve somebody by attending to all his needs.

    He seemed to expect to be waited on hand and foot.

  2. butter fingers

    one finger salute

    hand over fist

    hand to hand combat

    you've got to hand it to him

    won hands down

    cap in hand ( humbleness)

    finger food

    ladies fingers

    sticky fingers (expression for a thief)

  3. Many hands make light work.

    something is 'handy'

    for any nick cave fans out there 'Red Right Hand'

    the hand of fate

    Finger food

    to 'palm' something (magicians tricks)

    hand is quicker than the eye

    Hands on (in a job capacity)

  4. hand in the glove..

    handed over

    hands up

  5. Thumbs up,

    Thumbs down,

    Let your fingers do the walking

    Empty handed


    Give a hand up

    Keeping you hands in an activity

    Handing in an assignment

    Hand over your money

    The hand is quicker than the eye

    Cracking your knuckles

    Bare knuckle brawling

    Eating out of the palm of your hands

    Applause = give them a hand

    Knuckle sandwich

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