
What are some extreme right wing organizations?

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hannanov, I'm just looking for names of right wing groups to use in a joke I'm emailing to a friend. It's not that serious.




  1. A lot of paramilitary groups, the KKK, some christian sects.

  2. American n**i Party, KKK, Successful businessman's association, etc.

  3. White supremest/nationalists groups,Many religious organizations,paramilitary groups.

    I don't know where people get NRA from? They are not a right or left wing group..and they sure aren't extremist.

  4. White supremest groups, and some evangelical religious groups.

  5. Yahoo Answers.

  6. Neocons.

  7. If you are really concerned with left and right, then you should have been a soldier and that is how you would have lots of "left, right" exercises to perform.  The leftists and rightists are mostly idealistic people and they are always after achieving their goal.  If you find them any way, they would certainly would like to utilize your services targetted towards their vested interests.

    May I suggest, if you don't mind, that forget about the 'left right' and opt to serve the humanity indiscriminately.  It is quite a different world and you will starting enjoying your life with a sense of satisfactory pleasure.  I did my best but, if you didn't get what you really wanted, I apologtize for that.  Nevertheless, if you are really interested in the answer, I am quite sure you will definitely get it.

    Wish you all the best with my cordial regards.  So long.

  8. kkk, nra, n**i

  9. KKK


    State's Rights Party

    John Birch Society


    Christian Coalition

    Focus on the Family

    National Right to Life Committee

    Heritage Foundation

    Young Americans for Freedom

    Gun Owners of America

  10. Alot of tele-evangelist churches....

    They make up the extreme right strong holds.  As most extreme right wing organizations tend to be christian/religious in nature.

  11. There really arent any unless you think the NRA is an extreme right wing organization.

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