
What are some facts about how methane can lead to Global warming?

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What are some facts about how methane can lead to Global warming?




  1. unlike co2 methane IS a significant green house gas.

  2. it is a greenhouse gas 25 times more potent than CO2.

    there are huge amounts locked into frozen tundra, and much more as methane clathrates on continental shelves. if these sinks are destabilised by rising temperatures, a positive feedback effect will occur, as more methane released raises the temperature further.

  3. It has a GWP of 21%, usally associated with food production, population growth, and natural causes such as termites, bogs, lakes, oceans, and swamps. The molecular size is overbearing to CO2 and may make it the predominate GHG, based on speculation only.

  4. Ok, so like a long time ago scientists could look from sattelites in space, and they would see green coming from pastures. They discovered it was cow farts (methane) and that in the area the ozone would deplete.

    Check out this website, it will tell you the same thing!

  5. honestly why do you Fvcks give a flying fuvk about global warming. there is nothing you can do about it. more and more people are being born on this earth which means more pollution and more over every other bs toxic chemical. scientists say its becuase the sun is getting closer to the earth. fvck scientists. there is NOTHING anyone can do if to prevent global warming if thats true or not. seriously get a d**n life and enjoy life until your dead of natural causes. remember you cant change every dumbasses opinion on "what to use and not to use" or "what to do and not to do".

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