
What are some facts about smoking weed?

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  1. It ages you very quickly and I mean old, mentally and physically.

    If he is not ready to give it up on his own there is no way you can induce him to, because he is confusing pleasure with happiness.

    Pleasure does not last and then he will want more and then more

    The thing  we should all be seeking on this planet and in this life, that we are on loan to in this world is happiness.


    Ask him what would he change, if he knew that he only had four weeks to live?

  2. FACT: marijuana is the number one killer in the US

  3. haha some facts? ummm it's awesome as long as it doesnt take over your life. sorry sweetie but you're not going to get him to stop...weed isnt something to be worried about it's not like it's cocaine or anything...thats when you need to be worried...but weed? light up and relax

  4.  this website will give you some facts, but you can't make him stop unless he wants to, and unfortunately, smoking pot is becoming more and more acceptable even though the quality is becoming more and more poisonous. Speaking from experience, my daughter is a recovering drug addict, it all started with marijuana.

  5. Pot is the number one drug that people seek rehab for (in the US, at least).

    That says ALOT about the addiction factor of it.

  6. Marijuana use reduces learning ability. Research has been piling up of late demonstrating clearly that marijuana limits the capacity to absorb and retain information. A 1995 study of college students discovered that the inability of heavy marijuana users to focus, sustain attention, and organize data persists for as long as 24 hours after their last use of the drug. Earlier research, comparing cognitive abilities of adult marijuana users with non-using adults, found that users fall short on memory as well as math and verbal skills. Although it has yet to be proven conclusively that heavy marijuana use can cause irreversible loss of intellectual capacity, animal studies have shown marijuana-induced structural damage to portions of the brain essential to memory and learning.

    The Impact on the Body

    Chronic marijuana smokers are prey to chest colds, bronchitis, emphysema, and bronchial asthma. Persistent use will damage lungs and airways and raise the risk of cancer. There is just as much exposure to cancer-causing chemicals from smoking one marijuana joint as smoking five tobacco cigarettes. And there is evidence that marijuana may limit the ability of the immune system to fight infection and disease.

    Marijuana also affects hormones. Regular use can delay the onset of puberty in young men and reduce sperm production. For women, regular use may disrupt normal monthly menstrual cycles and inhibit ovulation. When pregnant women use marijuana, they run the risk of having smaller babies with lower birth weights, who are more likely than other babies to develop health problems. Some studies have also found indications of developmental delays in children exposed to marijuana before birth.

    What are its short-term effects?

    Short-term effects of marijuana include problems with memory and learning, distorted perception (sights, sounds, time, touch), trouble with thinking and problem solving, loss of motor coordination, increased heart rate, and anxiety.These effects are even greater when other drugs are mixed with marijuana.A user may also experience dry mouth and throat.

    What are its long-term effects?

    Marijuana smoke contains some of the same cancer-causing compounds as tobacco, sometimes in higher concentrations.Studies show that someone who smokes five joints per week may be taking in as many cancer-causing chemicals as someone who smokes a full pack of cigarettes every day.

  7. sorry but c4 nailed it till he got to the end where he lost all credibility. most of his facts are spot on. your boyfriend will go behind your back if you try and stop him.

    he has to have his own reason to stop.

    Fact. you are better off having a boyfriend that doesn't smoke than trying to get this one to stop. it will save you a lot of heartache in the long term. As much as you may like/love him it will destroy a lot more than his health, money will start burning up too. ask yourself NOW, is he worth it? If so prepare for the long haul.

  8. stop censoring your boyfriend and hit the blunt!!!!

  9. Makes guys impotent if they smoke a lot...kills all ambition too...

  10. Is your boyfriend prepared to be convinced?  I can tell you that most aren't.

    Look at the number of people who smoke cigarettes, knowing full well they're likely to die of a horrendous disease.  And tobacco isn't even particularly pleasant.

    There are various studies where animals have their dopamine reward systems linked to a button.  They spend their entire lives pressing that button...

    Cannabis isn't that different.  I'm saying this because you ought to be prepared for a struggle that probably won't be worth it.

    Having said that, if he's unsure himself, there are good reasons to stop or cut down.

    I think cannabis is psychologically dangerous at a young age.  Young people are still developing psychologically and thus have less perspective to sanely interpret the distortions from cannabis.

    Young people are much more prone to peer pressure and could end up in a lifestyle that could be very difficult to escape from.

    Rather than achieving to get a natural high, people get the high from cannabis instead.  Achievement goes out the window.  How does a stoner then get a sense of what they want to achieve our of life?  It helps if you already developed the foundations of that in the late teens.

    The thing that got me to cut down dramatically wasn't the fact my career was going down the pan.  It was the realisation that I was losing the ability to have peak experiences without smoking.  That is a skill that needs practicing.

  11. Best to go to web md and read about it-


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