
What are some facts about the political issues between paliestinian people and israeli?

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need some facts to support my arrgumantative essay between this political issue,




  1. Look in the real world.

    On what went wrong out there.

    Just the young one living in misery with self lack of knowledge.

    With faulty education and communication system.

    In kicking the butts of the dirty old men who who be king in their own backyards among themselves.

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    With misinterpretation, miscommunication, communication failures and communication break-down.

    Luke 8.5-8,10-17

    With the betrayal of Judas.

    Luke 22.3-6

    With cheap-skate ghostly stories on tribe with non-existence rights of original descendant.

    Luke 4.4-7

    Getting them all kick on the butts as casualty of the dead Mummy in kicking the butts of God in not worshiping God with total loss of IQ.

    Matt 22.32

    All for cheap-skate ghostly stories on idol worshiping the dead Mummy of failures and horrors of the past from the graveyards of different ghostly ancestor's culture and custom.

    As success of glorious past civilization with self lack of knowledge.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  2. I just started reading a book called "Understanding the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict-A Primer" by Phyllis Bennis which you might find helpful. Basically, the exiled Palestinians have not been allowed by Israel to return to their homes or be compensated for losing their homes when Israel became a state and this violates international law. Also, they have not been allowed by Israel to self-govern the 22% of the area originally left to the Palestinians and this also violates international law. Why doesn't the international community do anything about it? Because large interest groups such as the US and some European countries want to use Israel as a military stronghold in the region and know they can do this through the strong Israeli military rule.

  3. Israel wants land, not peace........period.

  4. Some body needs to move

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