
What are some famous people preschol children can be inspired or learn about?

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would like my kids to learn and be inspired by famous people. who would be a good choice? for a theme on people what are some people groups that we can talk about? thanks.




  1. Children at this age love to be read to - they would be interested in books about firefighters, police officers, doctors, families, moms & dads, sports players, artists, etc.  What heros did you have growing up?

  2. Ohhhhhhhhh old do you think they are???  its enough to look at people around them.firefighters police officers the school crossing lady!! get real and keep it real for them

  3. Its great to what to teach the children about influential people they can be inspired by, but it may be difficult. Children in preschool are not ready to memorize lengthy biographies about people. I would maybe use their parents as influential people that they can more relate to or like previously stated by another responder use jobs that influence are everyday lives ie., police officer, doctor, lawyer, etc.

  4. Check out this site

  5. jesus

  6. Martha Berry started a poor children's school in NW Georgia.

    Johnny Appleseed. George Washington Carver. Abe Lincoln in his pre-presidential days. he was so honest he once worked an extra job to pay for a borrowed book he accidentally ruined (you can google for details) - that teaches responsibility. Maya Angelou is a great person to admire for a hundred reasons.  Juliette Lowe started Girl Scouts. try searching online under famous people  - i am sure there are tons out there. Good luck!

  7. I second "Johnny Appleseed".

    Kids can also be inspired by George Washington, Abe Lincoln (my preschooler learned about them in February last year for President's Day), Christopher Columbus, authors like the lady who wrote "The Mitten" and "The Hat", or the man who wrote "The Hungry Caterpillar". etc.

  8. Ask them who they want to know about. I know this sounds silly, but they know who is in the media and who they want to be.

    Look for pro atheletes who are good role models. Child stars who aren't partying yet (like Hannah Montana). I also agree that they can learn about Martin Luther King Jr and Johnny Appleseed. There are also books that are brought to the pre-k level, you just have to look for them.

  9. If you're talking about currently famous people, I'd say that you should look at people who are known for doing good things- Oprah Winfrey, Bono, Angelina Jolie, for example.  You should look at people whose activities are drawing attention to, and offerring solutions to problems that effect large populations.  This will give you the opportunity to talk to them about the problems facing the world in which they are growing up.

  10. Marin Luther King. He Stopped most of racism for black people.

    Stevey Wonder. Blind Musician. He plays a piano.

    Shakspere (spelling?). He wrote plays I think.

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