
What are some fast easy ways for a kid to make money?

by  |  earlier

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I want to save up for an iTouch, Digital Camera and a Laptop. In that order. I can always go to ebay i know but i have to get hte money first. I can't babysit, my mom won't pay me to do chores, i can't make money online, i can't do work for my neighbors (long story) The only way i get money is when my grandma gives it to me!!! HELP!!!





    all free.

    read emails, take surveys

    $5 sign up bonus, and an automatic $3 profile survey if i remember right.

    i make about $1500 a year.

    i only check it once a week, and have about 15 referrals.

    or on the side:

  2. o0Oh i have the exact same problem, I really want this awesome camera (I've wanted it for a Lo0OnG time)

    But like you my grandma is the only one that gives me money (only on birthdays) =)

    BUT!! but but but but but LoL the way I make money is by entering competitions, like at school, I'd suggest youtube competitions like the new Tiffany Jo one (but you can't do it online),

    Sometimes I even sell some of my old toys or stuff to relatives or sell some of my art work to friends ;)

    You could do the same with the skills you may have =D

    Whenever I earn an award at school (occasionally ;D) I show my parents in hope that I may get a reward (monEY =P)

    I know it's crazy but sometimes it works ;)

    That's all the money making ideas I can think of right now but if I find more I will so update this comment ;)

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