
What are some features of some non-stubborn girls out there???

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Sorry for these type of Q, simply cause the lack of experience myself...(21 years old)

I've dated few girls already....long termed (avg 1-2yrs each)...and came to conclusion that they are just so stubborn and always think they're right...

Myself, a pretty stubborn guy as you can see, doesn't match right? Arguments/Fights...everyday simply cause neither of us wants to back down...i've tried to change, but those stubborness are like in the

Anyway, how to pick girls that aint stubborn in personality? what are the features? Or is it a common thing in girls? lol




  1. it's a common thing in girls. stubborn girls are girls who aren't afraid to stand up for what they believe in. non stubborn girls are pushovers and indecisive. it's really about knowing how much to put in and when to let go.

    a stubborn girl can also be a considerate girl.

    i'm a stubborn girl and people tell me i always think im right but honestly, i know that im not always right. i just hate admitting it. but that just makes me consider and appreciate other people's opinions more and more. well- secretly.

    i just know that i like my guys stubborn because it shows passion. it shows a guy who's not afraid to say NO, YOURE WRONG as opposed to WHATEVER YOU SAY.

  2. features of a non stubborn person...maybe a small sloping forehead

    a collar around her neck.  whip marks on her backside. mousy brown hair

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