
What are some filling things to eat for breakfast that will keep me going until lunch time?

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What are some filling things to eat for breakfast that will keep me going until lunch time?




  1. Something with a lot of fiber. Sarah Lee 45 calorie wheat bread is my favorite source of fiber. Oranges are rvery filling and if you drink a full glass of water before breakfast that helps. If you need to you, usr a stir in fiber supplenent in the water and then eat somehting like a orange and wheat toast with a little peanut butter or apple butter

  2. Two eggs and whole wheat toast. Anything with protein will help you out.  

  3. oatmeal definitely  eggs too with a slice of toast and some oj  

  4. My favorite breakfast when I'm on the go is power smoothies. I love blending fresh fruit with yogurt for a filling and satisfying, and a little secret I have is to add a bit of instant coffee for a great flavor to keep me awake.

    Smoothies are healthy and delicious, and just one glass will keep you full until lunch. This website is great:

    Hope I helped!

  5. Granola and fruit.  Or eggs and sausage.  Depending on which type of person you are.

  6. potates onions and bacon chopped up cooked together on a warm tortilla with some might sound nasty but its good and it sticks too ur ribs

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