
What are some flirty things a girl can do to really get her boyfriend's attention?

by  |  earlier

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Like things to make him say "whoa"




  1. sweetheart you should have to be doing anything to get his attention. you should just have period. don't be a door mat.  however i guess you could hang out with other ppl, make plans that dont involve him, don't call him too much. when he calls don't answer all the time. text him back sometimes

  2. oral s*x or jus tell him ya luv a guy and love it when my gf does things like that

  3. you shouldn't have to get his attention if you two are boyfriend and girlfriend lol

  4. well u could just try to mix it up alittle bit maybe wear some revealing clothes or try to roleplay with him or even something as simple as just holding his hand just to let him know your there

  5. Ya'll she's not talking about omg i need to get his attention like i need him to like me. She's talking about little things that will getting him going. To turn him on. And stuff like that. Things that a guy would be like "wow baby thats hot" stuff that will spice things up. To keep things interesting. She's not saying she cant keep him or anything. Just wanting to Have more fun. Geez people

    (sorry hun but i dont have your answer i wish i did cuz i want to know to. But i also get what ya mean these people never answer my questions the way i want either)

    Sorry but good luck!

  6. yeah you shouldn't have to impress your boyfriend really.

  7. if you need to do things to get hes attention then obviously he doesn't love you so you should stop going out with him and find someone who does love you.


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