
What are some food dishes that i can present to a class that everyone will enjoy from Marseille, France?

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its for french 2 classes..

something easy..

and not hard to bring to school.




  1. I'd do chocolate crepes- just make the crepes before hand and bring banannas and chocolate or nutella- to put inside them.

  2. Well the classic dishes of Marseilles are bouillabaisse (fish stew), bourride (another fish dish), pied et paquets (lamb's trotters and tripe) , ratatouille (a stewed vegetable dish), soupe au pistou, and aioli (garlic mahonaisse).

    I suspect that ratatouille and aioli are the only things your students would find palatable.

  3. go to and type in chocolate mousse.  I did that for my French class once and everybody loved it!

  4. It probably want matter, and most will not enjoy the food. I went to Rome, Italy and ordered a pizza. It was nothing like we have here in the states. What ever it was they brought us it has two raw eggs in the center of this concouction. If you happen to order spagetti, they will bring you a dish-pan full.

    The beer is hot, as ice is not that much available in Europe.

    I have came to the conclusion that there is so much to see in the USA that I never want to step foot out of this great country.

  5. I suggest you to bring fresh bread and aioli and some pate foie

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