
What are some foods that baby chicks can eat?

by  |  earlier

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i Won a baby chick at the carnival and i bought a little chick food for it but it has ran out and the nearest place for food is 80 miles awaqy what do i do?




  1. if you can buy cockatiel food at a pet store or store that sells bird food such as walmart or kamart he will eat that.. or you can take and hard boil an egg and mash it up very fine, mix it with grated carrot, add   some oatmeal and a  crushed soda cracker. you can also feed him some  frozen peas that have been thawed or baked beans .. but  not as a steady diet. as he gets older you can feed him cracked corn that you can get at any store that sells bird food. if you know anybody else that has a baby chick you might want to talk to them and see if you can buy some food off them. also its important to have fresh water every day and for him to  keep warm at night if your nights are cold.. a 40 watt light bulb hung over his cage will help but make sure he can move out of the light if he gets to warm.. good luck with your chick..

  2. What kind of chick do you mean? We feed our chicks, which are hens btw, breadcrumbs mixed with a little oatmeal and always have water for them to drink. They also like milk too but if your chick is not a hen then find out what you should feed it and ignore this!

  3. Get him this:

    If you live in USA just search chick crumbs on or tell me the area you live in and I will search somewhere nearby for you, you may be surprised. Order the food off ebay and feed him soggy bread or oatmeal untill it arrives, but buy it asap.

  4. it needs wither bred curmbs,cracker crumbs or something like that,its best if you give them chick food though and it cant be solid as they will get plugged,they really shouldnt be giving out such comlpicated animals as prizes,I suggest you do alot of research,I have raised 50 and when they get a few months old they are easier to care for,you also should either give it to someone with chickens or get 2 more chicks because they can get lonely and die...

  5. fresh water and starter feed

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