
What are some forms of Da'wah that we Muslims can do today in the name of Allah?

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I live in Saudi Arabia....




  1. First we must no that when we want 2 give Dawah it should be according to how Rasulullah(s) gave it. But today that sort of Dawah is not accepted by many due to being involved for the love of this dunyah.Today we must have proper knowledge & have the will to do Mujahadah for the cause of Allah with out expecting return except in akhirah.

    Nowadays u can give dawah,giving islamic books 2 others.In Saudi u can join dawah centers that allow u to go an give dawah in hospitals, ....e.t.c.U can also start dawah at home a weekly lesson  with ur family & close friends in which u can  read ahadiths & stories from the life of the prophets & sahaba(r), U can go 2 the two haramain & give dawah to the hujjaj but u have 2 be careful.

    whish u best of luck.

  2. Spread the message of ISLAM.

    There are many ways. You can do to your friends, family and other people like in yahoo answers.

  3. show them 9_97-101..they perhaps would behead you..

    show them 37:35,3:18

    saudis need dawah most

  4. knock on peoples doors and annoy them.

    They do that in my area, I'm fed up.

    Sometimes people come to sell other stuff, and sometimes religion.

  5. As Salaam to you all,

    Any Da'wah must come from the heart and you must have the love of all humanity within there also, for you will meet with those who would do you harm but you still must smile.

    Your personality must stand out as being friendly as you go about your daily business but do not talk about Islam to anyone, unless they ask about it first. This is so they instigate the discussion, rather than you becomming a pushy evangalist of Islam. People switch of when confronted with Bible or Glorious Qur'an pushers.

    But most of all, before you can do Da'wah one must know your faith and the simple answers to general questions and should anyone ask a question which you do not know the answer, then tell them you do not know but that you will get the answer and get back to them. Then you must find the answer and certainly get back to them, otherwise they will think that what ever you have told them so far is a lie.

    While I was at University, I was asked by the student council, if I would become a student counsellor. This I did and when ever I was approached by someone needing my attention I would always stop what ever it was that I was doing and spend as much time as I could with that person until they wanted to leave. I received some thanks from most of the students that I dealt with but the strangest thanks came from another student who just happened to be a Christian, who was not searching for Islam and her problem was not religious in nature. Simply put, 'it was, when I needed help I went to my Christian friends who would say, I have a paper to finish by tomorrow, or please wait until the end of this tv programme and can you come back sometime later, like tomorrow. But here was a non-Christian who rather than telling me to come back later, stopped what he was doing, closed down his computer and gave me all the time I needed'. This Born Again Christian became a Muslim within six months of our meeting. I was but a small part in their reverting to Islam, for the greatest help to reverts is Allah (SWT), for they will revert when they want to and Allah (SWT) says that they are ready to do so. A small action can lead to a greater emergence of the individual.

    I hope that this helps a little.

    Wa Salaam

  6. The best form is to lead by example with those around you.  The Prophet (sa) was the best example.  People accepted Islam just be seeing how much love he exuded.  If we can mimich his example, then we will win the hearts.  Winning the hearts is the more difficult task becasue you cannot force it and it has to be natural.  No one likes a fake.  It requires humility, prayer, and patience.  Ultimatly, with Allahs help through prayers, that dawah combined with the logical nature of Islam, will result in a profound impact on those around you, insha'allah.

    love for all, hatred for none

  7. you could answer questions in R&S.

    i know two people who converted to islam.  not necessarily because of R&S, but they came on, asked some questions that showed they had an interest in islam.  their qns had already been resolved at that point, but i added them to my contacts, forgot about them, and then some time back, i checked their profiles and saw that they had ended up converting to islam :)

    btw if u can't do dawah right now, u can still have the intention that one day u will do dawah, and take your time to study the religion.  e.g. watch zakir naik and ahmed deedat's speeches/debates on youtube.

  8. Asslamualikum Brother i think any body here know's i asked the same Question no good answer i feel the best think to do is to got out talk to some people non muslims near you or if you live in london speaker corner in hyde park i went der 2 weeks ago is great salem

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