
What are some foster care phone numbers?? your help would be greatly appreciated!?

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what are some foster care phone numbers, just to ask general questions on foster care. [if you could search in for the state or georgia, that would be great!]




  1. Just call the jobs and family services (welfare dept) they should give you some numbers

  2. Call 911. Tell them you found a kid on the street.

  3. What kind of information are you looking for? It's difficult to know who you want to talk with.

    Are you searching for a child in foster care?

    Are you looking to place a child in foster care?

    Are you looking to write a research paper or article on the foster care system in your state?

    Are you looking to become foster parents and want to know what it involves?

    Are you looking to report a family to Child Protective Services in hopes that an abused child is removed, and hopefully placed in foster care instead of a home?

  4. look on line for the state of georgia department of human services / social services.

    search foster care in georgia.  

    to call someone call the county.    

    again what county you in.  search that for foster care in couty of ______.  Georgia.  

    know in mn each county has website with contact numbers

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