
What are some freaky dreams that ever happend to you?

by  |  earlier

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ok so like 3 days ago we had to take my cat to the vet because she had some weird disease and so the vet said that she needs to stay at the vet for a week to treat her illness, so anyway last night i went to bed and i had a really weird dream, i was in school and suddenly i fainted infront of everyone and i got rushed to the hospital, the doctor said that i had a disease but he wouldnt tell me which one so i was in the bed at the hospital and i just layed there looking at the walls, suddenly i felt something fuzzy go on my feet i looked down and there was my cat laying on my feet and the second she meowed i woke up but then i looked on my feet and my cat was there even though she should have been at the vet for 4 more days so i asked my dad and he said that she came home earlyer then planned......weird




  1. well once i dreamed i was walking though the clouds but everything had this creepy green tone anyway i felt someone following me (u know u just get that feeling) so i turn around and theres a man but i cant see his face i mean its there i just cant see it its weird (well its a dream) so i turn back around and hes there in front of me by a couple of yards i see him raise hi hand almost like hes waving and then the hand is in front of my face never slowing he finishes his wave i turn back but hes there then i just start running  and i keep going but hes right next to me and the creepy thing is he has no steps hes just gliding trough the clouds while i run through them steping in nothingness i keep going and when i finally think ive out run him the clouds are gone and im falling and i can see the man in his black suit above me waving again i scream and i wake up by then im on the floor in my bedroom covered in a heap of blankets and in a cold sweat

    ...not my favorite dream i always freak out  when i wake up like the mans in the room with me and you know in my dream i always know he doesnt wanna hurt me but he dosnt want me in the clouds with him its weird but i just know

  2. thats really werid.

    the world ending for me then a building colpased on me and i woke up.

  3. I had a really strange dream once.

    I was walking through some corridor,

    the further I went through the harder it was for me to breathe...

    I eventually woke up in the corridor in my house gasping for air..

    That really scared me.

  4. ok i have had many weird dreams too yours was freaky i had a really bad dream my dad got shot i woke up and cried a lot even though i knew it was a dream though my dad is still alive

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