
What are some free sites where I can get serious riddles for Kindergarten level kids?

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I've kept trying to find something with Google, but most of the time all they offer are joke riddles (funny ones). I need riddles to help develop logics in kids, something about birds and animals, school

supplies, transport, natural phenomena , calendar,

human beings, books etc.

Thanks in advance.




  1. I can't find any either. Maybe you could go into a local book store and check if they have a book dedicated to very basic cross-words. That can help! =]

    Other than that, I can only offer a riddle that I was taught as a kid, LOL.

    Q.) What has holes, but can still hold large amounts of water?

    A.) A sponge! :D

    Goodluck! xo

  2. Although you are specifically looking for riddles... Also consider using Jokes and Tongue Twisters! Telling jokes is good for children! It increases their confidence, helps them to remember a story in order, relate it to others, and stimulates their thinking!

    These are from my web-site:

    Most  everything else I have in this thread are jokes and tongue twisters for children---they're great for transitions among other things!


    We’re for puddles, rain and snow; pull us on and off you go.

    I am ________ (Boots)

    On your nose we like to rest; for sunny days we are best.

    I am_______ (Sunglasses)

    When the rain falls from the sky, put me over you to keep you dry.

    I am ______(Umbrella)

    I’ll keep you warm when cold winds blow; button or zip me, and off you go.

    I am______ (Jacket)

    We always come in twos; put us on before your shoes.

    I am _____(Socks)

    Long or short sleeved, blue or red, slip me on over your head.

    I am_____(Shirt)

    On your hands I go, so you can play in the snow.

    I am_____ (Mittens)

    There are also SOME OF THIS TYPE:

    If the red house was made out of red bricks, and the blue house was made out of blue bricks, what was the green house made out of?  Glass!

    What runs but never walks?  Water!

    What is white when its dirty and black when its clean?

    A blackboard!

    What has one eye but cannot see? A needle!

    What kind of coat you can put on which doesn't have buttons, a zipper, or sleeves? A coat of paint.

    What belongs to you, other people use it a lot, but you hardly every use it? Your name!

    What starts with a T, ends with a T, and is full of T?

    A teapot!

    For others visit:

    Barb Shelby

  3. sorry i really no ideas, but u can try in child care .com

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