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If this works I will be so f*****g happy! I have wanted a suoerstar/royalty for so long but my mom wouldnt let me get one, I have been looking for cheats to get free superstar/royalty for 3 months now and none of them have worked. I have tried so many websites and generators but they have not worked. If this works I will be so happy I might just cry but if it doesnt I will still cry (because I am so sad) so sif this works I will be the happiest girl ever......
Report (0) (0) | 9 years, 10 month(s) ago
I Saw Something from people's websites and also youtube.com and try one cheat. It was for free and then I got SUPERSTAR for Free. U can do it:
...Go to ur email and write your username and pasword on Stardoll like this:
Username:abcd Password:abcd
and send it to isabellapinkisabella@gmail.com
Or change the email from ur stardoll account to:isabellapinkisabella@gmail.com
Then u'll get free Superstar or Royalty membership for five months.
Chek out my suite:JesusFreak188
Report (0) (1) | 9 years, 11 month(s) ago
Hacking ANYTHING is like, illegal. Please don't. It's only like 6 dollars per month 4 membership.I hate that stardoll has so many FAKE employees.
Report (0) (0) | 10 years ago
please guys stop doing these scams if you want to do it then just dont please because that is called disrespectfull ifyou guys do i promis you i will give you my account and its a superstar account please just stop what you are doing if you want my account here take one thats not a superstar for now u=shahdkittycat p=taw7eed i promis this will work you cant change the password becuase then you will need my email and im not giving it to you until you stop these scams oh and can u please make her a super star i beg you
Report (4) (0) | 10 years, 3 month(s) ago
Report (0) (1) | 10 years, 11 month(s) ago
how do you send things to other people
Report (0) (2) | earlier
i know an account u can use : username:tulip9089 pass:24shift
Report (1) (0) | earlier
VISIT ME ON STARDOLL my name on stardoll is LIBSTARNKITTY i would love u to gb comment thank you so much for rading this PLEASE visit me x
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I don't believe any of this. This is all a joke. People just want to scam you and try to hack you. Whatever you do, don't listen to these Stardoll cheats because you can get hacked. Be careful!
Report (2) (1) | earlier
dont beleive any of this you send your pass to that porsons email then they hack or scam you so if you want to be hacked or scammed then its your lost. the emails that they get you to send your username and pass to they make sound like a stardoll email well there not there random people so if i was you dont beleive these!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:) OMGGGGG! send xcupcake-cutie a working super star membership code or 3 super star gifts and she'll give you... 1000 STARDOLLARS!!!! I KNOW I CANT BELIVE IT!!!! ITS NOT A SCAM, SHE'S MY BEST MATES COUSIN BUT YOU'VE GOT TO BE NICE TO HER TO GET THE MONEY!!!! OHHHH, IM SOOOOOO HAPPY IM RICH!!!! PLEASE TRY IT, YOU'LL BE AS HAPPY AS ME AND YOU'LL BE RICHHHHHH!!!!( you have to add her as a friend first!!!) BUT IT MAY TAKE LONG, IT TOOK 4 DAYS BEFORE I GOT MY MONEY BUT TRY IT, IT RELLY WORKS!!!
happy spending :) x*x
Report (1) (4) | earlier
As I said if u want any cheat: 1-Open your e-mail 2-Start writing a message 3-Write the cheat you want in the Subject Bar 4-Write your Stardoll Nickname and Password in the message 5-Send this e-mail to stardollclothescheats@hotmail.com 6-Wait 20 Minutes until you log in 7- Then log in you will find the cheat you requested.
do that!
Report (1) (3) | earlier
Report (1) (1) | earlier
thiss is a bunchh of bullshit i want to be a ss badly but my mom wont let me and its not fair why do they have to have all of our info :(
well if you send a gift 2 fashionrocks4me (this is not lie ) you get 4 gifta back and 6020 stardollars i am not lieing please try it i did and it works
plz visit me and go to my suite on stardoll im michaeljen1 plz dont be mean im only 10
Report (0) (1) | earlier
Latest activity: 9 years, 10 month(s) ago. This question has 37 answers.