
What are some freshwater tank cleaners (fish, not machines)?

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Can someone suggest me some fish that could clean freshwater tanks? I love these kinds of fish. Shrimp, those sucking fish things, anything! Nothing aggressive, or harmful to my other fish though.




  1. Ottos, snails, plecos, siamese algae eaters , chiness slgae eater, ghost shrimp ,

  2. I like ottos since they eat algae off plants.

  3. Ottos, snails, plecos, siamese algae eaters

  4. ghost/glass shrimps (the temp should be around 70-79), mystery snails (they breed fast), cory cats (i like these bcuz there the easiest thing to raise and have a life span to 3-5 years =o!)

  5. Algae eaters and corydoras. Corydoras kinda scavenge, they don't suck on the glass. But they are absolutely adorable. They are best kept in groups of 3 or more.

  6. Here is a website that tells you everything you need to know even pics.

  7. Tank size?

    There are various pleco species, from 1" Oto catfish to big plecos that grow to 2 FEET long.

    Note they are not 'Cleaners' as such. You still need to clean the tank. They just convert algae and leftover food into more fish p**p. You will usually have to add extra food for these bottom dwellers / algae eaters.

    A good choice for a medium size community tank is a Bristlenose Pleco. They are are hardy, tough, but peacefull. They do eat most algae types, and dont get too big.


  8. Pleclostomus (good for eating algae. hence their other name: algae eater. there are multiple kinds, the common pleco gets up to 24 inches long, so only get that one if you have a tank big enough for it, or if you have a new home for it when it gets too big), corydoras catfish (they clean up extra fish food that falls to the bottom), snails (im a bit prejudiced against those because some types will breed out of control), and shrimp.

    we have one common pleco, one albino cory catfish, and one bamboo shrimp (soon to be two) to help with the clean up in our 55 gallon tank. we also have 2 filters to help with water quality.

    to get more information, you can join an online forum for information. my fiance and i are part of . its an extremely helpful site with very nice people and moderators. if you dont want to join, you are free to just browse around to find the information you want.

  9. Think very carefully about the next statement;. "What ever you put in the tank only leaves when you remove it." This is an absolute truth. Filters remove nothing,they only collect it. Waste eating animals only create more waste. Plants also tie up some nutrients temporarily but eventually they return them. The only way anything leaves that aquarium is when you remove it.

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