
What are some fun activities for small gatherings of 4-6 people to do at home besides board games?

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What are some fun activities for small gatherings of 4-6 people to do at home besides board games?




  1. have a scavenger hunt, charades

  2. orgy

  3. You can play Rock Band if you have a console. A Wii can be a good group activity as well. If your really lazy then you can watch a movie.

  4. My friends were all theatre people or gamers.  The gamers would have LAN parties. The theatre people would play theatre games.  If you watch "Whose Line Is It Anyway?" you'll get the idea. Improv games for one, or everyone chooses a word and they have to say it with a certain motivation here's an example of us:

    We'd also do stage makeup on people (mostly making zombies)

    We'd also listen to music, dance, watch cartoons.... but mostly talk.

    I've also heard of fondue parties where you have different fondue things (chunks of raw meat to be cooked individually on some little fire thing and then dipped into fondue, as well as chunks of fruit, cheese, bread, nd cake. It's a self-service dinner that is also a topic of conversation.  

    I really don't know how sophisticated or immature you are, so that information would really help.  Most gatherings don't respond well to predetermined entertainment and there is really something to be said for spontaneity.

    Bonfires or grill-outs work well because you can talk about the food while it cooks or the fire and standing around outside is a change from being inside where the tendency to sit around not doing anything can set in. Standing outside seems to breed conversation... especially around a fire.

  5. Read the Bible - have a Bible study.  Pray that Jesus breaks you of your witchcraft and saves your soul from eternal damnation in the Lake of Fire.

  6. cards electronics, hope i helped :)

  7. you can play an ecelent game called "soggy waffles."  This game is extremely simple, and yet tremendous fun.  To play this game you first gather all of your male guests into a circle.  Everyone then proceeds to m********e in the circle and the last one that reaches climax and ejaculates has to eat the waffle covered in all of the others s***n.  To add some excitement to eater of the waffle can share it with his spouse.  I know this might not appeal to you at first but it truly is grand fun!

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