
What are some fun activities to do the first day of school - 2nd grade?

by Guest66684  |  earlier

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What are some fun activities to do the first day of school - 2nd grade?




  1. Hi - These articles have alot of ideas, some are for younger children, but there's a few for older too...

    Have a grrreat day!

  2. trasure hunt- to get to know the classroom layout

    holiday bingo - fill in a sheet  about the class - who went on holiday out of state

    who  went on a boat

    who spent time with  ......

    u get to know them and they get to know each other.

  3. Here are some great ideas, courtesy of Scholastic.

  4. One of the things I do is a bingo game.  I make a bingo board filled with generic descriptions that could describe anyone (went to the beach this summer, has an older brother, plays on a soccer team, favorite subject is math, etc.).  The students have to go around and find people to write their name in a square that describes them.  Each person can only write their name one time on someone else's board.  Then we play bingo.  I call out student names and the kids try to get a bingo.

  5. Rather than starting with this question, a better approach would be to look at what you want to teach them during the year, then come up with an enjoyable way of introducing one or two of them.  If you start by coming up with random "fun" activities, you are not sending them the message that there is a purpose to school.

  6. I like people who....

    Children sit in their chairs in a circle and there is one child in the middle without a chair. The child in the middle says I like people who... (anything from ...who are wearing black shoes, to who saw a particular movie, to who lives in an apartment, etc.) The children who believe they fit the statement stand up and try to get to a different chair. The child left standing is the child that starts the next round of I like people who.

    I always did a school tour expecially for the new students and it gives you a chance to review the rules in each area.

    I always jumped right into the curriculum because children are excited to know what they are going to learn in their new grade. I would pick something that was easy to introduce and teach it. Perhaps in second grade a really big addition and subtraction problem without regrouping, and teach the secret that it doesn't matter how long the problem is. I usually taught third grade, so I'm a little rusty.

    I'd start a flip book, Where in the world am I? This is a construction paper book using the 18 inch length and I think about 6 inches wide. Take as many pieces as you need each of a different color and fold so each one hangs below the next about an inch. It makes a neat book. The top page is about four inches long the next 5 inches and the next 6 inches, etc. Then I glued a white sheet cut to size to fit each page. On the first page they draw their house with themselves in the picture. Since you have time to prepare the books also write their address under the picture. On the next page write the city name, the next is the state, then the country, the continent, the hemisphere, the world, and the solar system. It's been awhile since I did this so I may have added or left off one. Just do one a day. We made worksheets with each picture to be colored and glued on the page after they drew their house. It covers learning their address and geography all in one lesson. Then save the book for open house! It's fun and gives them something to look forward to when they return the next day. This could be just in a regular folded book too, doesn't have to be a flip book.

    I would have them do a second grade story that you create as a class and put on the board for them to copy in their very best writing. My name is ___________. I am in second grade. My teacher is ________. I am going to learn ________. This is fun for them and they will do their very best writing the first day. Then have them do a picture to go with it. Now you have a bulletin board project ready to put up. Also you can save these because it is really a trick. Later in the year when they start to write sloppy, I would always pull out the first story and put it right in their little face, really just in front of them on their desk, and tell them to look at their beautiful writing that I knew they could do because I had the proof right there. They then have no excuses and must write neatly.

    I always did something from the math book and reading book the first day and if possible either the science of social studies book. Children will never be so egar to start learning as they are the first day.

    I'm sure there are more ideas, but that's it for now.

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