
What are some fun activities to do with my 8 and 10 year old brothers? PLEASE HELP?

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Every time I spend hours thinking of something they would enjoy doing, they never want to because they think it doesn't sound fun. I need help. I want something that we would both enjoy doing. Some things things that they have enjoyed doing that I have thought of, is a room sale (We took stuff we didn't want and sold it to our other siblings fun way to make and spend money) An Olympics type thing (We mainly raced though) And a scavenger hunt (For outside) Please help, I love doing stuff with my brothers but it hurts me when they turn down my ideas!




  1. It's ok, I have three siblings, two of them brothers, very close in age to yours. (: They can be stubborn (and cruel and impossible) sometimes, but what I would suggest is;

    Is there a sport they love that they could teach to you? My brothers love to teach me things, I assume it makes them feel important. A game of basketball, skateboarding, soccer...even playing some video games!

    My siblings all love helping me and my mother cook things. I know it may sound weird to some people, but they honestly do, and so do many of my friends male cousins/ brothers, especially 'speed stirring' cracking eggs, and anything to do with flour.

    Play poker, dominoes, etc., for dimes and nickles. My ten year old brother loves this especially because he sees all of the coins piling up in front of him, while playing a game rather than doing chores.

    Building a huge tower out of blocks, k-nex, etc, (and do I mean HUGE) and then knocking it all down in a fantastic crash.

    Re-doing their bedrooms. My brothers love moving/decorating furniture, hanging up signs, etc., and seeing how different it looks. Hope this helps and God bless!

  2. Get mom and dads permission to build a small fire outside somewhere (with their supervision!), roast marshmellows and hot dogs with them on sticks, tell some "Spooky or gross stories". Little boys love outdoorsy type things.

    Live near a lake or park where fishing is allowed? Take them fishing sometime. Go as a whole family even.

    Build a tree house or fort somewhere with them.. make sure it's a safe place though. Finding the materials isn't that hard, you can find pieces of wood about anywhere if you keep your eyes open, maybe your parents could even help in getting that.

  3. There are lots of things to do for the 10 year old.If he likes music Take him to a local band concert. If he likes sports get him to explain the sport . If he has a role model you can find out how to do a meet and greet. For the eight year old if he does not want to do what his brother wants  figure out what he likes to do. Just talk to them &figure out what each one likes and build from there.  Don't think your ideas are lame either.  

  4. Hide an seek, cowboys and indians, climbing trees, base ball, foot ball, soccer, practice (teach them). Olympics? Cheater, you have an unfair advantage. Either teach them and have fun, or remember your childhood and have fun.  

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