
What are some fun basic v-ball drills i can run with my team?

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again, i recently got back into volleyball, but this time as a coach. i have a few drills up my sleeve but i need more. something that builds skills yet will keep them focused and have fun. alot of the ones i have are a little "stale" and i'd like to liven things up a bit more in the gym. any ideas?





  1. peper is always fun

  2. coach on one its a fun defensive drill and there is no excuse y the player should not go 4 the ball cuz they r the only one on the court so it is a good drill 4 the players who r not aggresive to the ball.

  3. the butterfly drill

  4. I played varsity for my High School and our coach beat on us with many drills. To help the players get to the ball quickly, have them make three lines on the end line.. first players come on the court and u serve to them, if the ball is coming their way  they must come in front of the ball and have the ball bounce off the ground and through their legs..its a fun drill and it teaches them to plant their feet in time and be ready to bump/pass the ball.

  5. knee-ups , butt streches, high skipping karoke

    knee-ups... when u r running bring ur knees to ur chest

    butt strectches r when u put ur hands under ur butt and u do sissors with ur legs move them up and down and when over the other

    high skipping.... u bring  ur hands in the air and u skip and u do it rele high

    karoke id just like grape vine

  6. I gave you a link in your other question, but here it is again.

  7. So all of the other suggestions sound great and are drills that I use with my girls all the time. I have one other that they love and always ask to play.

    I start out with three girls laying on their stomachs on the back line with me on the other side of the net. Then when I slap and toss the ball they get up and run and try and get three hits. Its a pretty fast paced game. When the first group is done the second should be on their stomachs ready.

    I hope this is useful to you! Good Luck!

  8. A conditioning / skill drill is to breakup the players into groups of 4 (outside hitter, middle hitter, setter, passer). Have 3 or 4 teams grouped together using one court. Two teams volley with the winner of the volley staying on the court.

    If the players are good enough to pass, set, and swing; then have a double block on angle or line, and line up the passer in the open spot. No rolls or dinks.

    The winner of the volley serves and stays on the court; the other teams rotate in always taking the place of the losing team. Make this fast paced, as soon as one volley is over, the losing team runs off and the next team runs on. After about 15 - 25 minutes of this, everyone will have practiced their roles in 6 v 6 and have gotten a workout since it's 4 v 4 in fast paced environment.

    Hope this helps.

  9. peppering,dead fish, queen of the court, and ten foot scrimmage.

    peppering-played with 2 people

    dead fish-split the team into two teams equally if you can. And they serve until they don't get the ball over the net or it goes out. then they go over to the other side of the net and lay down. They cannot move, if they get hit by someone s serve on their team they are a regular alive fish. And they can go back in and play. Usually do it for 30 second to a minute at a time then change up the  teams.

    queen of the courts- is played with six people at  a time. three on each side of the net. The queens are always to the left if you are looking at the poles. The peasants as they call them always serve. if the queens miss the ball then the pesants get to be queens. And it goes on until you say stop.

    10 foot line scrimmage- the boundries or the out lines are the 10 foot lines. it can't go over or its out. you play until the coach says stop. split the team into 2 different teams equally. Then one team serves the ball over but juss behind the ten foot line and you can do anything. bump,set,spike. as long as it is in the ten foot line boundry. and just rotate the teams. Oh yeah, if you hit the ball you have to run to the outside of the volleyball court on your side. then you can go back and play .

    Hope this helps..

  10. I am actually still playing volleyball with my high school and we have many drills... some that I can't even remember right now, but here's a few!

    Queen of the Court, Peppering, Around the World.

    Queen of the Court-3 girls on each side of the net playing 3 on 3. Girls line up behind the serving team, in 3 lines. As the two teams of 3 are playing and one loses... if the team that served wins they move to the other side of the net... if the team that didn't serve wins they stay on that side and the other team moves to the end of the line.

    Peppering-I'm sure you might know this... it's just passing, setting, and hitting to each other. Two girls do this together.

    Around the World-This is spot serving. You split the team in half, each on opposite sides of the net.  With the spots numbered out into the order you like the first girl on each side serves to the first spot. Once she hits it... she sits or stands (which ever you choose) in that spot. The next girls are trying to hit the spot that the first girl is sitting in and when she does that girl gets up goes to the end of the line and the new girl sits in the next spot. And this continues until one "team" has finished. It's basically a competition. But it's pretty fun.

  11. Queen of the Court, Fish, Aces, power serving, and just plain peppering are good ones...typing out ehat all thoise are would take forever, but you can easily look them up on the internet or ask around to other vball teams for ideas  or even your players so u do what they like...  hope i helped!

  12. theres queen court and theres other ones but i just  can't remeber when we get back into the season i will tell u

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