
What are some fun but fast hair do's for kindergarten & 2nd grade girls?

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My oldest isn't picky on her hair and if she had it her way, she'd put it in a pony tail at the nape of her neck every day! I want to do something more fun though and my daughter going into kindergarten LOVES fun and funky stuff. I am hoping someone can offer hairdo's as well as links to them if they're not totally self explanatory!

Please don't say braids and french braids~~super common and a given.

Please and thank you!!




  1. I have 4 daughters so I am always in need of hair ideas. I found this link to a girls blog called "she does hair" and it is great because she shows you how to do the styles by showing you pictures all along the way. It is updated pretty frequently but you can spend hours going thru old posts to see all the fun styles. Good luck and have fun

  2. u should try pig tails or a high poney tail  i like a ribon in the hair one that matches her outfit   or like some pig tails but with buns on each side instead of poney tails

  3. I know you said don't say french braid but have you ever done two french braids....almost like pigtails, but they're french braids.  I part my daughters hair like I was going to do pigtails and then start at the top on one side and french braid the side, all the way day and then the other side.

  4. My daughter has very long hair, I am always trying to come up with a new way of keeping her hair out of her face & avoiding tangles. Pulling only less than half of her hair up and slightly to the side is cute. Chunky baings right above the eyebrow look good and are easy to cut.

    Bath at night so the hair is wet and frenchbraid. In the morning undo and her hair will be kinked. These are things I do with my 5 yr old's hair.

  5. Pig tails :]

    Half up/Hallf down

  6. you can try a waterfall, wich is when you take a little bit of the hair and then tie it up on the top of her head.

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