
What are some fun drugs to do?

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What are some fun drugs to do?




  1. Earth based one's are the best and safest !i

  2. Fun as in for tonight? What about tomorrow? What about the next day and the month thereafter? Where is this money coming from? Why turn to a direction that may not be reversible? Why take the chance of going to jail, for a month or the rest of your life? Why get so desperate one day that you want to sell to children so that you can support your habit? Why?

  3. A lot of people seem to love the drug "religion" because it really gives people such an ego rush and a superiority complex.

    But it's only for the mentally incompetent and superstitious.

  4. Absinthe, and alcohol enemas.

  5. Neither. Seriously, if you keep doing drugs for fun, you'll end up like the crack and meth heads on the street, asking for change. Then, you'll die earlier than normal because the drugs messed up your system.

  6. The best drug on earth is finding a safe, healthy (and even financially generating) passion to submerge yourself in!  If you don't know what that is yet, that's the part you get to experiment over and over and over with until you do!  Running shoots out endorphins that naturally get you high....artwork may make you feel fulfilled and high....but recreational drugs are a waste of time and money....and with much more serious consequences than you assume.  Watch Dr. Phil. :) haha

  7. Oxygen, go for a run. Life is the best drug

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