
What are some fun games to play in the arena on a rainy day?

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Me and three of my friends were planning on going on a trail ride but it's going be raining. What are some fun games that we could play in the arena? Nothing involving barrels or poles, or of western nature, two of them show in games so it wouldn't be fair. Haha. Things like red light green light, I mean?




  1. broom polo or jump tag- build a line of jumps across the middle of the arena, then when you play tag, you have to jump from one end to the other.

  2. Fun for you or fun for the horses?  I would say, "get on the trails like you planned, I don't know why you would want to ride in the arena...why would you change your plans because of a little rain and what would make the arena any more fun (if it rains) than the trails?

  3. you could play follow the leader, ball dribbling games, (a slow version of polo), red light green light

    also ride each others horses, you'd be suprised how different they feel compared to yours

    do some ground work with your horses aswell, you might not be able to do too much if its going to storm most horses dont tolerate lightening

  4. follow the leader on horses is fun and funny at the same time  and pony swap where you all swap round ponies is cool. Sometimes its fun to ride in the rain though !

  5. Horse tag! I love playing tag horseback! Not only is it fun, put it helps your horse work on roll backs, quick turns and stops. Loads of fun! You could also play horseball, unless your horses spook easily. You could also have your friends teach you some of the speed events if you like. Hope this helps! Have fun!

  6. Egg ( small ball) on a spoon.

    set up a trail class with dusters to put on.  something to carry from barrel to barrel.

    Musical feed sacks   (just like musical chairs but up dismount onto the feed sack)..teaches a great flying dismount.

    Broom polo

    Walking race  _ who can walk the arean fastest without breaking.

    Simon sez

    Dizzy race -  Ride from one end of the arean to the other, dismount, spin around 5 times( get dizzy)  remount and race back.  Timed its funny to watch.

    Ride a dollar.  Put a dollar sized slip of paper under your legs and see who can keep it the longest,  have someone else call commands like a show class.  Alternate version  Bare back on a buck..  Same idea without a saddle

  7. Red Rover on horseback is fun!

    Then if you get tired of riding, you can play the puzzle game...Take your bridle apart, clean it then put it back together again and have it timed!

    There's "Name the bit"...Find obscure bits and see who knows their names.

  8. racing :]

    timed   obsticles are fun and let u experiment and perfect things such as sidpassing and stuff :]

    but ican see why u wouldnt want ti ride in the rain, it gets ur takck all screwed up.

    ooo egg and sppoon is fun. riding bare back and putting a piece of paper or a dolllar bill under ur leg and see who can last the longest :]]


  9. Shucks I like to ride in the rain. Thats why the Aussies invented the duster. Sorry I can't think of any games for you that are not western. But it is fun riding in the rain. But I guess I'm kinda odd like most cowboys.

    Edit- I have ridden in those type of down pours. Mostly cuz of work but, I love doing it. No one ever painted a picture of a cowboy bringing in a stray on a perfect summer day. And unless your running around like a bunch of kids, I wouldn't worry about it being slippery.

    And in a good duster the cold wont be a problem.

  10. HAHAHA red light green light...I still remember the horse I won that on...Ben, the old plug, I still love him and think about him to this day.  Musical chairs would be a fun one I think, what about Simon Says?  I bet you will get some great ideas :)

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