
What are some fun games to play with 15 teenagers?

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im going on this sleepover at my youth club. im 14 and there will be about 15 of us there. has anyone got any really good games that we could play. Maybe in the dark and outside games. Games like Obsticle courses and stuff! and like blindmans bluff.




  1. I've got some fantastic games for you.  

    The first is called Bond Ball.  It requires that you have a Nerf ball (or some other soft ball-like object) for each person playing.  Half the people go hide, and the other half wait a while, then go looking for the first people.  If you get hit with a ball you're dead, and the last team standing wins.  You can even switch it up with lots of different variants.  Like maybe it's just a big free-for all.  

    And if you only have one ball, you can play Bomberman.  One person has the ball and throws it at everyone else.  If the ball hits you in an arm or a leg, you "lose" said limb and you have to hop around without it.  You can even lose both arms and both legs and have to crawl around (though it's not very likely).  You're dead if you get hit in the head or the torso.  If you catch the ball without it first hitting you somewhere, you don't lose anything (then you have the ball for immediate retaliation).  Everyone tries to get the ball the most and kill everyone else without being killed.  Last man standing wins.  Two variants of this game are Zombie and Mine (or both can be mixed).  In Zombie, dead people can crawl around (but not stand up) and attempt to grab and delay the other players.  In Mine, find a bunch of small rubber mats, or pieces of paper, or plastic hoops or whatever.  Put them everywhere, and whoever steps on them gets their leg blown off.

    One last game for when everyone is ready for some good ol' sittin'.  It's called Paper Brigade.  Everyone sits down with a notebook of pad of paper and a pen, and writes a sentence.  Any sentence at all, even if it doesn't really make a lot of sense, like "1000 superhero penguins eat the largest pizza in the world."  Then (without saying your sentences) everyone passes their notebooks to the left.  Then everyone takes the sentence that was passed to them and draws a picture from it.  Then everyone passes left again and writes a sentence from the picture they have.  This repeats until they've all gone around in a complete circle and everyone shares their notebooks.  Believe me, you'll never play a funnier game.      

  2. flashlight tag. and i like to play fake war games where i shoot people with my fingers but this can start arguments, as some people will not take nicely to being shot and want to fight it. just don't play with 16 teenagers or your head will explode

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