
What are some fun ideas for homade toys for my hamster?

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What are some fun ideas for homade toys for my hamster?




  1. Gosh, just about anything really, as long as it is safe for the hamster to eat. I always loved giving my little guys paper towel rolls, sometimes i would give them paper towel and see them make a nest out of it.  

  2. Cardboard boxes, paper towel tubes, cardboard egg cartons; anything they can chew on and hide in.

  3. I always love tying a piece of food from the top of their cage and watching them grab at it and trying to yank it off. So cute!

  4. You can cut holes big enough for a hamster to crawl through on the sides of a paper towel tube, so there are several combinations to go through.

    Hang keys off the top of the cage with twine- beware- it's noisy.

    Scent some plain popped popcorn with vanilla extract.

    Dangle things like twigs and yogurt drops off paper clips and hang them from the top of the cage.

  5. Here is a link to a site that has a lot of ideas.

    Here are some ideas I know...

    Swinging Tube

    Swinging tubes are great places to hide food for your hamster, and are fun for your hamster to crawl through.


    - short length of a cardboard tube about 6 cm (2.5 in) in diameter, or to suit your hamster

    - thick, natural rope or string (such as hemp); shouldn't be too thin, as it may wrap around your hamster's

    limbs and cut off circulation

    - scissors

    - drill (optional)


    1. Drill or cut 2 holes each about 1 cm (0.5 in) from one end and about 1 cm (0.5 in) apart (see diagram below).

    2. Repeat step1 for the other end, so that the final product looks like the diagram below.

    3. Cut the rope into 4 pieces, each double the distance from the top of the cage to where you wish the tube to hang (allow a bit more rope on each piece for tying)

    4. Thread the rope in and out of two adjacent holes, so both ends come out on the outside of the tube.

    5. Repeat step 4 for the other piece of rope.

    6. Tie the rope around the bars at the top of the cage, at the same length.

    7. Cut off any excess rope.

    Swinging Platform

    Swinging platforms will always amuse a hamster, and its also great fun to watch them clamber on and play on it.


    - wood- length a bit less than width of cage; fairly thin; any width

    - thick, natural rope or string (such as hemp); shouldn't be too thin, as it may wrap around your hamster's

    limbs and cut off circulation

    - drill with drill bit large enough so the rope will fit through the hole

    - scissors


    1. Drill a hole about 1 cm (0.5 in) in from a corner.

    2. Drill another hole 1 cm (0.5 in) next to the first, as seen in the below diagram.

    3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for all corners.

    4. Cut the rope into 4 pieces, each double the distance from the top of the cage to where you wish the platform to hang (allow a bit more rope on each piece for tying)

    5. Thread the rope in and out of two adjacent holes, so both ends come out on the same side of the platform.

    6. Repeat step 5 for all pieces of rope.

    7. Tie the rope around the bars at the top of the cage, at the same length.

    8. Cut off any excess rope.

    Your hamster will have fun hanging and swinging on this platform, although the wood may get nibbled on and the ropes chewed through eventually!

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