
What are some fun things for 8 year old boys to do that doesnt involve a television or video games.?

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What are some fun things for 8 year old boys to do that doesnt involve a television or video games.?




  1. Board games, time in the park, a bike ride, tossing a ball around, dress-up (pirates and pro-ball players, vampires, what ever) home made clay or play-doh, painting, a musical instrument, a cooking project or crafts (yes, they can be manly :)  You can decorate a shoebox with cut-out pictures to hold momentos, or whatever.

  2. ride bikes; ride scooters; pogo stick; skateboard; roller blades; ice skating; sledding; soccer; baseball; catching frogs; catching bugs; playing tag; anything else outdoors

    dancing to music; having an "olympics"

    building with legos; building with blocks; making marble tracks; constructing forts; doing puzzles; doing tangrams; playing with snap circuits; playing board games; learning chess; playing cards; making domino tracks

    playing an instrument; reading; being read to; writing a story; drawing; using clay; cooking; being part of a project fixing things or painting the house or something

    pretending; playing with friends; starting a collection; playing with a pet; having a sleepover....

  3. My son loves to play outside, basketball and soccer are his favorites.  He loves to draw and invent his own superhero characters.  I always have lots of paper and markers on hand, because I never know when he might be hit with the need to draw.  Board games are also great.  He likes to help me bake, especially if it involves frosting.  Or put on plays for me .  Just be creative!

  4. Play doctor with other boys.

  5. Lego, old broken toys to fix, none broken toys to break , board games, puzzles, comics, sports that kinda stuff =)

  6. play board games, cards, go out side and throw the ball with him, ride a bike, go for a walk, play with matchbow cars, wrestling figures, color a coloring book, read a book, etc.

  7. Soccor, gymnastics, football, go to a park, read a book, play a card/board game, take a walk, color, read, read, read, ride a bike, play outside in your backyard.....

  8. You can do a lot of fun things!  Play catch, football, board games, going on a walk, when it warms up swim, ride bikes and roller blade to name a few.  I hope that this works for you.

  9. Outdoor activities, board games, cards, bowling, reading, tell him if you read me two stories or books and another form of activity you can have 1 hour of television.  If he has a television in his room take it out and don't let him have it back in his room. You have to be the boss on this one.....encourage him to get his mind occupied on something else other that television and video games. Only that on the weekends for one hour.  Good Luck

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