
What are some fun things to do durring a hurricane?

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What are some fun things to do durring a hurricane?




  1. playing  games by the candle light or flash light,, monopoly, would be fun its a long game.

  2. sleep

  3. Bring out the board games. Dust off the old Monopoly and Battleship boxes and enjoy a family board game competition. This is great because you don't need electricity to enjoy it. Light a few candles and kick back for some fun. To spice it up you can always raise the stakes by making bets on household chores for when the storm is over. The loser has to wash dishes for the next two nights, or the winner gets to relax for a week without cleaning. It makes for a more competitive atmosphere and will pass the time much faster.

    Play Charades! Have everyone write down many ideas, characters, movies, etc. onto small pieces of paper and place them into a bucket. Each family member takes a turn drawing a piece from the bucket and acting out what is on the paper. It's free and you don't need many materials to have hours of fun.

    Fun for the little ones. Keeping young children under control during any storm can be rough, especially during a major storm that has probably left you without any power. I have found that crafts work as a great way to keep them occupied. You can find simple household items to keep them entertained. Aluminum foil is a favorite of mine, they can create snakes, crowns, and other enjoyable creations. If you have any form of sticks such as Popsicle and paper, then they can color and create stick puppets. Have them put on a play after wards, this can keep the entire family happy and avoid boredom.

    Curl up with a good book. Most of us procrastinate reading, even though a book may look intriguing we always give ourselves excuses as to why we don't have the time. Well, now is that time so curl up next to a candle and indulge. You can find yourself getting lost for hours.

    Tell ghost stories. It's storming outside and the candles are lit, what better setting for some spooky tales. Take turns creating or telling your favorite stories.

    Watch a movie. If you are one of the lucky few who has power throughout your hurricane experience, then get together with the family and watch a movie. Be sure to choose something everyone will enjoy. I would recommend a Pay-per-view movie that no one has seen yet. This keeps the attention of everyone, rather than having them watch the same Bambi DVD you've all seen a hundred times.

    There are many other options out there to keep things interested. Make the best of situations in life and do what you can to have fun. With prices rising in our economy, people are forced to work longer hours causing them to have less time with their families. Take advantage of a situation and indulge. Bring back the family bond and enjoy quality time together.

  4. drink hurricanes

  5. lol ... im in the same boat as you. we haven't lost power yet but enjoy the AC while you still got it :) Also take a shower ... you don't want to have to take a cold shower.

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