
What are some fun things to do online with friends?

by  |  earlier

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Me and my friend are always bored, he lives in Kansas and im in Ontario so we need a "hobby" to do online, I already know of most mmorpgs and things like habbo so those are out of the question.




  1. well if you guys both buy cameras for you computer you guys can video chatt and both be able to see eachother!!!! its really cool! it would help if one of you guys had iChat on you computer!

  2. play ISketch..  its a game where you sketch an image on the screen and other people have to guess what you are drawing.  Its loads of fun!!!  just go to and try it out

  3. online games: neopets;marapets;zetapets;

    instant messaging

    make up games to do when talking to each other

    bond :)

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