
What are some fun things to do or activities to do when I have guests over, I don't want them to be bored...

by  |  earlier

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and we are tired of putting in a DVD and then getting straight to dinner with some chit chat...

anyone have some super FUN ideas... anything... I am open for suggestions. Come on people, put on those thinking caps or let me in on what you do when you have company??

Ten points best answer, thanks everyone!!!

I asked this in another category, but maybe I can get better answers here.




  1. so me and my friends always take lots and lots of pictures randomly through the night.

    i like making signs for the people i'm with too. like, color a paper that says: i love (friend's name). then take a picture of you holding it. or you can write it on your hand or something.

    drawing and coloring is a lot of fun in general, even if you are like me, and you are artistically challenged. just doodle random stuff.

    twister is a lot of fun, too.

    actually, most board games are a lot of fun.

    charades!!! that seriously has to be the coolest game ever. i'm not even kidding.

    go on the computer, and watch funny videos on that's a LOT of fun.

    turn on some music and DANCE!!!!

    even if you can't dance, just jump up and down, and do stupid stuff. (but stop if your parents get mad)

    singing competition! and if you don't wanna sing for real, have a bad singing competition, where you sing bad on purpose.

    prank calling!!!! :] hahaha.

    ding dong ditch.

    just make sure you don't do anything that would get you in some serious trouble.

  2. the things i would do when i have company over would be a game of seen it or another game like twister just to keep them moving! also set out some drinks and some snacks so they can have some things to have during the games. althouhg it also depends on  how those guests are.

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