
What are some fun things to do when you are home alone?

by  |  earlier

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it can be anything the more random the better....




  1. I love to lipsync in the mirror and have my own concerts.

    It might seen lame, but its fun and time passes by quickly.

    Or you can play dressup and take myspace pictures. lol.

  2. stimulate your mind, Homer,shakespeare. blackstone, tolstoy. try watching the History channel. I have a feeling my answer isnt keeping with the trend? lol. quiet time on the patio watching the squirrels? i'm old and have different priorities.  

  3. everything you cant do when your not home alone  lol

  4. I like to put on some socks and slide around on our hardwood floor. Keeps me entertained for quite some time. :)

  5. here are some things i like to do:

    try dancing. like really dance your heart out to a song that you love, no matter how ridiculous. just blast the music and forget what you are doing, just move! plus- its almost like a workout if you do it for long enough.

    reorganize! anything can be fun. i get a kick out of rearranging my room furniture and hanging up new paintings.

    or, go through your clothes (or other) and pick out the stuff you want to throw away and the stuff you no longer want or need.  try bringing your clothes to a thrift store that pays for your unwanted halloween costume, etc.

    or try a DIY.  make a card from scratch and give it to someone who'll appreciate it.  or make a cool stencil, get a plain black jacket, and get fabric paint and put the stencil design on the back of the jacket, or on the color, whatever, just have fun with it, and make sure that you will actually wear whatever you make

  6. dancing around in your underwear is truly underrated.

    if you are a talkative person, call somebody to have a chat with or write down your thoughts.

  7. sleep haha

  8. eat shrooms and watch amaricas most wanted.  

  9. Hi, well if your seeking fun at home, simply use your instinct and follow what interest can figure it out by using the resources you have at home. Why not try things that your not used to it but your  interested of doing it. I myself doesn't know how to cook but I'm interested and determined of doing it. So every time I'm home alone, I'm taking the opportunity of learning it, and It just make me laugh with the result...just be creative..and take the chance of learning more your interest while at home. Sometimes, people are just blind seeing the things that's already there...learn to appreciate then you'll find fun.

  10. Watching a good movie is always fun

    Arts & Craft


    Sing and dance have fun with it...pretend you were in a video

    Browse the net

    Just be Creative.........

  11. Turn up the radio and dance around like an idiot (it's actually very liberating and good exercise), put the tv in the bathroom and watch a movie while in the tub (with snacks and wine of course)...

    hmmm naked day? I guess I don't get much time alone ... I usually end up laying on the couch or shaving my legs in the tub ... randomness eludes those of us with small children.  

  12. As soon as I saw the question I knew what I was gonna say, but the first answerer beat me to it. m********e. Pun intended!

    At least I spelled it right!

    You could also go skinny dipping. Don't have a pool? Is your neighbor home? Come on over. I'm not here either.  

  13. m********e

  14. Play guitar


    Draw or paint

    Listen to music

    Watch movies

    Answer questions on the computer


  15. around the house doing crazy stuff you couldnt do when people are around...dress up or something! make some crazy food and do whateverr. =]

  16. sing loud and see how good/horrible u are without anyone making comments

    **** yourself

    make youtube videos being an idiot and not worry about anyone listening

    invite strippers

    the list just never ends...

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