
What are some fun things to do with ginnea pigs?

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I have 2 ginnea pigs, a cage, a ball for them to run in, and that's pretty much it.................

any help is great! =)




  1. the thing that is the most fun to do with your guinea pig is spending time with it.  no toy or game is more fun than that!

  2. cook em

  3. i have a guinea pig.. i have a bal and a wheel and tunnel and playpin blocks and treats and stuff. oh and a toilet paper roll. not the paper the cardboard. they love to chw and hard stuff to wear there teeth down. mine likes to run around my room just block thing he can get underneath. teach him tricks. like get him out put in on the ground if he wont run anywhere or in a playpin or a closed in area and take a treat and teach it to walk aroun in a cirlcle lurring it with a treat and other things

  4. No leashes. Extremely harmfull.

    Best toy you can get your pig is a same s*x friend.

  5. get a ferret run.

    its a whole bunch of joined tubes and stuff.

    they love them!

  6. I have a guinea pig, but they don't really do anything except squeak, run, squeak, eat, p**p, pee, squeak.

    I haven't found anything that they actually do that are FUN, but I hear you can take them for walks if you make or buy a harness :D

    I bought a cheap leash for 5$ and it sucked since it was just...a piece of rope o_o

    But I hope you find something to do ^^

  7. Get a brick with holes in it and hide some food in it or hide a carrot in a pile of hay an see if it can find it.

  8. GET RID OF THE BALL IMMEDIATELY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I know it may sound like that's fun for them, but it can seriously hurt them! Their backs are not built correctly to go in those, even the oversized ones. Their spines cannot bend back like a hamsters, so when they run on them and on wheels they develop problems like their spines turning or vertebrate dislocating. I would get rid of it as soon as possible.

    I have a whole list of stuff to do with them or to give them on another yahoo! answer thing so I'll post it again here:

    -Brown paper lunch bags!! climb in, around, and on!

    -Toilet paper and paper towel rolls are great chew toys! Especially if you stuff them with hay!

    -Hanging toys with bells are soo much fun to ring, and the ones with the little chew sticks on them are even better!

    -Talking about chew sticks, all piggies love those

    -Placing a brick or large, somewhat smooth rock in the cage will give them something to climb on and will help keep their nails filed if they climb on it a lot

    -Those snuggle bags for ferrets or even a home-made one is great

    -Toss around toys for cats or bunnies are great as long as they can't break apart and don't have any way to swallow it or a small part accidently

    -Little ledges to jump on are always fun!

    -Take a towel and binder clips and hand the towel in the corner like a hammock. Then your piggy can go under it or lay on it!

    -Use the same supplies and hang a towel from the top of the cage or from something and let it drape like a canopy with some openings. They can have fun in all the ruffles and have a dark, nice place in the center

    -Make a little race track if you have two, or just a track if you have one. Put fresh veggies along it to keep your little guy motivated to run around!

    -Anything with fresh veggies on it is great and will make your guinea pig happy

    -Tubes, like the ones for ferrets to run through

    -Take veggies (like lettuce or parsley), clips, and string. Put a little piece of veggie on each clip and hand them on the string, then hang this at the top of the cage, just within their reach so they can eat it at first, but as they get towards the top, they have to jump or climb on stuff (that you put there) to get to it

    -Let them run around anywhere with random, piggy safe objects placed around. Put a chair in there so they can run around the legs, or lay out some pillows for them to climb on.

    -Give them soda fridge packs, shoe boxes, and other cardboard stuff to make little houses out of. You can get really creative with this and even make them an edible vacation house!

    If I think of anything else I'll let you know!

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