
What are some fundraisers that i can try out to raise money to pay for my student loans?

by  |  earlier

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without having to spend alot of money?




  1. Aren't fundraisers meant to be for proper causes such as for new school equipment, something of benefit to the community or raising funds for a charity or health cause (such as for more research) rather than someones own needs?

  2. You can't.  Fund raising is for charities.  Your loans are your responsibility.

  3. You could try holding a Garage/Yard sale, selling items on places such as Ebay. If you like baking, you could try having a bake sale of sorts and offer cookies, brownies, and the like. If crafting is more your style, you could try selling items on a website called Etsy.

    Good luck!

  4. how about you just get a job

  5. How about a kissing booth if your cute I will participate.

  6. lol fundraise for your student loan? you better check with the laws and regulation to be sure is okay to do this, even is okay, IRS might tap your shounder from time to time.

  7. nude car wash!!

  8. you need a job. or a better one if you already have one.

    no one is going to pay off your student loans for you.

    or marry an old guy. he might. just make sure hes on his last leg ;) and he will croak it b4 long so the pain of his naked body will be worth it on the end.

    hope this helps!!


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