
What are some fundraisers that would be good for a highschool crowd?

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I am Sophomore Class President and I am trying to get a few fundraisers started up this semester so I can donate the money as a gift to the Senior Class for prom, or to just make some changes in our school through Student Council. I would like to do a fundraiser that is run in the school, but trying to get highschoolers to give money and participate is rough. If anyone has any ideas on what we could do to raise money that would be great. Also if you have fundraising stories or things outside of school that worked to raise a lot of money. Any respectful comment is appreciated.





  1. Most of the High School groups around here hold a car wash.  It's easy and you can make hundreds because some people donate extra to help out the need.

  2. you should sell drugs I didn't even really read your question but who cares sell drugs it's the easiest way to make fast money

  3. what i do is ask a local restraunt like chick-filet if it can sponsor or school for the night. and then we make up small flyers that we hand out to EVERYONE at school, and even people just walking into the place and if you show it to the people at the place, then all the money that people spend go directly to the school. for us, it's and easy 1000 dollars at least. we also get places like bj, rubios, red robbin and mi tortilla

  4. #In Australia I went to schools that wore uniforms so If you wear uniform try free dress day eg. perjama party= students pay small fee.

    #BBQ & Cake stall always went well.

    #Dinner date - students entertain & run a dinner party for their parents. Catering done by students use campus kitchen etc.Parents pay a flat fee. If you can get a speaker on probono eg. a parent to talk about politics whatever your team agrees karaok & dance as part of the party.

    #pot luck picnic (food donated by family)= fee paid to join event.People enjoy culturaly diversed foods + great for social/networking. Use school pool, gym etc.  

    #yard sell - goods donated by school comunity/ open to public

    #volunter transport/ meal/ childcare/ agecare/ petcare/ housekeeping /handman/yard/pc etc. supervised service run by students & adults = users pay

    Good luck.

  5. thats very nice of you to think of the seniors. well, kids like food!! try having a bbq or something before a school basketball game and raise money that way. a bake sale would work too

  6. Look around your school and see if anyone has a band, and you can throw a concert!

  7. You could have bakesales, sell candy, have a fashion  show, have a talent show maybe or a show that would be like a talent show except it's a fundraiser.

    For my senior year in highschool we needed funds for the drama club and one of the girls in the club had a sister who worked in a bakery so we got to sell a whole bunch of honey buns on the d/l. Maybe there's someone like that you know?

    I'm not sure of any other in school ones, but there's also car washes and things like that.

  8. pick up stix

    okay at our school we had this cultural fair and one of the clubs sold pick up sticks

    he got a giant thing of house special chicken and rice

    he got little boxes things and filled most of it with rice and chicken on top and sold them for 5 dollars

    in like two days they made over 1 thousand dollars in profits

  9. sell some food.

    I believe teenagers will buy anything edible.

    + trail mixes

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