
What are some fundraising ideas that have worked for you?

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I have to raise $2,500 by the end of April; so far I only have $105...I donated the $5 myself, and the $100 I recieved in fundraising credit, so really, I've raise nothing. I've sent out letters and e-mails telling people all about the cause I'm supporting with detailed information, that was only two days ago, so I haven't recieved anything yet. In a few weeks, I'll be participating in a team garage sale, and hopefully I'll get some funding from that, but I'd like to be able to do something else and want to know what HAS worked for others. Thank you!




  1. if u have friends that  live in different subdivisions u can each do a bake sale each saturday or sunday. and at the end of everyday u can each bring your money together and check how much u made!!!

  2. Candy bars. Can't go wrong.

  3. Hi Liesel! (love your name, BTW...very Sound of Music! :)

    've been heavily involved with fund raising for here are some ideas I have that could be relatively low in cost for your endeavor...

    1) Consider a mail campaign - depending on how many mailing addresses you have, you never know how many people might respond to your cause and just write you a check! This works amazingly well for several organizations that are short on time AND resources.

    2) Have a fundraising event - give people in your community something to look forward to, and host a can sell tickets, have an auction, raffle prizes, etc that will give your church something to look forward to AND a perfect opportunity to donate to something they care about.

  4. Well, you really are off to a great start !

    I have used everything from the standard car washes, bake sales, silent auctions, and coupon books to raise money.

    Also, depending on what you are trying to raise money for, you can put up donation cans in convenience stores and some places. (ex. for victims of accidents, people who need help paying medical bills, etc.).

    One way to get great exposure is to get someone from your local newspaper to write an article about it. Donations usually flood in then.

  5. sometime pizza places will contribute pizza for $5 presell  pizza on a certain date to businesss use a letter or whatever but delivery the pizza s but leave time to pick more up and delivery so do 11.00 12.00 1.00 lunches and this will broaden your area  so your not  all over the place pick the time for the people i know i would buy a pizz for say10 dollars if you brought it to me for a good cause also ita a write off for companies and i wouldnt of paid $5 for a $2 candy bar so the people helping you are actually gettina pretty ood deal also pizza delivered youll proble sell several to the same building so think big on this you may have to leave a letter in the pizza box explainin some of thee $10 went to a fund even though it has been said the pizza place may make you or get pissed that people might think their $5 pizza costs $10 i know you didnt want all that info but just trying to save you a couple of steps or what to expect.

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