
What are some funny facebook statuses?

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What are some funny facebook statuses?




  1. P|3AS3  ADD  M3.. IM N3W IN Faceb00k

    my name is >>>>>>>>>>> Natassa Mustand <<<<<<<<<<<<

  2. got kidnapped by ninjas

    puts the pro in procrastinate

    says skittles don't taste like the rainbow at all

  3. -standing behind you, with a cup of coffee and a smile on his/her face

    -unable to come up with a funny status, please send flowers

    -recovering from a failed attempt at skydiving (or insert other random thing here)

    -not funny

    -going to audition for So You Think You Can Dance...seriously.

  4. is a duck;

    is dreaming about aardvarks;

    kissed a squirrel and liked it;

    is (your name here);

    wants to be a dinosaur;

    thats all i could come up with =)

  5. Friendship is like peeing on yourself, everyone can see it, but only you get the warm sensation it brings.

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