
What are some funny moments of yours?

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what are some funny moments of yours, basically what is hilarious that has happened in yuor life (e.g. explain dont juyst be like "I crashed my parents car") well Okay.. here are a few of mine:

1. My extended family and mine were going on holidays and my parents only had room in the car for 5 people, so I was the one voted to go with my grandparents a few days prior. so anyways after the 4-6 hour drive up there we set up camp and headed to the local IGA or woolworths or whatever, (we'd left home to go camping real early so it was about lunchtime that we'd gotten to the store) and on the way to the store I saw a sign for an oyster buissness so I told my Grandma that I wanted to try oysters, she agreed so we'd head out there on our way back to camp. while shopping I was totally grossed out when my nan bought lamb brains which was total Ick! (lol: girl word)

so I was in the playground a tiny walk from our caravan (I was like 7) and nan's like: "lunch time cameron, dont you wanna try the oysters".nan served up my apparent "oysters" which looked like rissoles but I was stupid and I didnt know what oysters were.. half way through eating my nan told me I was eating lamb brains...!




  1. Well this is more gross than funny :S

    My sister had gotten a  sick bug and was going somewhere in the car with my mum and felt like she was gonna be sick. My mum couldn't stop the car so my sister had to kind of aim into a water bottle (I wasn't in the car when this happened so I didn't know) anyway, the next day I'd been riding and was really thirsty so grabbed a bottle from the car and took a swigg without lookin at the contents of it. OMG i could of gagged it was the bottle my sister had thrown up in. URRGHH!! i can't drink bottled water anymore ewewewewe!!

  2. Me and my friends were at the park and we were with this fat girl...anway there was this skate ramp and we were trying to get up it n we did but were sittin there for an hour talkin while fat tried to get up it she never did she was so close but then she slipped and fell se wasent hurt but she was grumpy and we knew she wasent gonna talk to us all day after we laughed so hard we nearly wet ourselves.

  3. My gosh you have a cruel grandmother.

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