
What are some funny reasons to join debate?

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I'm a high school debate coach and I'm trying to make a funny list of why students should join debate. For example, so your little brother/sister stops winning arguments with you.




  1. Because you ALWAYS get to be right. (whatever side you're arguing on is the right one, right?)

    It'll give you good practice talking to those voices in your head!

    (everybody has those voices don't they?)

    You can say in debate what you've been dying to say at home.

    Sharpen your skills of persuasion. (Very handy when it comes to dealing with parental and other authority figures.....)

    If you're tired of noone listening to you, join the debate team where EVERYONE has a voice!

    It gives you a valid reason to be "argumentative" :)

    Hope some of these work for you or at least get you started in

    creating some more of your own. Have a Great school year!

    Oh Yeah, and how about:

      No math required!

  2. "join debate and get laid!"

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