
What are some games from Latin America?

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What are some games from Latin America?




  1. Well Futbol (soccer) is the main sport in most of the countries.

    I am from Argentina, I used to play rugby,and tennis besides soccer.

    If you are talking about tipical games, from Argentina Pato is a sport that come from the gauchos , they adopted polo too, and there are some classic county games as Sortija, what is playin g riding a horse and trying to put an stick inside a ring wich is hanging from a wood arc.

    Then there are tipical card games like Truco and others adopted from italy and spain like Chin Chon or Tute  

  2. salsa :)

  3. By far, the most popular game is soccer, known as futbol south of the border.  Baseball is also popular among organized sports with basketball bringing up the rear.  American football is not commonly played.

  4. The colombian tejo

    is based in explote a mini bomb with a round thing of metal

    and soccer of course

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