
What are some games that YOU made up?

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because im bored so what are some games that are fun that you thought of i know my FAVORITE game me and my neighbor made up was called SPAT-E-BALL its realy fun here are the rules oh ya its strictly a 2 person game


First you need a hall way then both persons get a large cooking spoon then get either a bouncy ball or a plactic one ect... then decide where the goals should be after your ready to play!!


first player 1 pushes the ball with theire Spard (me and my freind made up the name its really the cooking spoon)

to the other person hard but not hard enough to make it go out of bounce then that player looses 1 point and the other gains one. then who ever scores 35 for a long game or 5 for a short game points WINS

play its awsome now i wanna hear your homemade games that you actuly played and makes seince




  1. i mae up under water soccer. rules are simple try to make a goal on either the stairs or ladder of the should use a ball thats heavy enough to sink.and of course you have to play under water. :)

  2. It's called kitchen lacrosse.

    How To Play: You have to get a ladle and and put a soft bouncy ball inside the ladle and try scoring. The goalkeeper uses a spatula to try and block the bouncy ball from going into the goal. Each goal counts as 1 point. First one up to 10 wins. Flip a coin to see who starts first.

    RULES: No pushing, shoving, tripping and just have fun. Hope I Helped!

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