
What are some games to play when your babysitting preschoolers?

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What are some games to play when your babysitting preschoolers?




  1. Mother May I:

    Make everyone stand next to each other and you go stand at the other end of the room facing everyone.  You can pick someone, a few people or everyone and for example say take three steps forward, whomever you are telling to take the steps forward has to say "mother may I?" and you will either say yes you may or no you may not and whoever doesn't say mother may I has to go back to the start.  Whoever makes it to you first and can reach out and touch you wins and gets to be Mother.  I would try all different things too like take one baby step or one giant step or a somersault, hop, etc.

    The kids love it and really get a kick out of it, it's a good way to have everyone involved and have their attention.  Good luck!

  2. Preschoolers love this game called hide the orange.(or whatever fruit they have) It' get them to eat the fruit 2. Ok. so tell them your going to play a game, but if they want to play it, they have to eat the prize(promise them it's your favorite food and that it's quite edible) than have them turn around and hide the orange in a very easy spot to find(under a pillow, in the sink) and than tell them to find it, tell them if they're getting closer or farther. than once they find it grab an orange for yourself and using your finger make a big opening in her orange's skin and one in yours. tell the kid that your going to have a competition on who can peel the orange faster. make sure you go slow and let them win.than praise them. and make them eat it.(it won't be so hard)

  3. ring around the rosy, peek a booo,pretty pretty princess.

  4. Make an obstacle course - under and over chairs, under tables, make stepping stones with newspapers or telephone directories etc.

    Make tents by covering groups of chairs with big sheets.

    Make trains by putting chairs in a row, and invent some story about going somewhere.  Sing train songs, make train whistles.

  5. Singing songs - raffi is a great choice- he has many good songs: fingerplays- look up preschool fingerplays.  Teaching children these simple and easy songs/fingerplays are fun and educational- it makes them proud to learn something. The farmer in the dell: the hokey pokey;

    hide and go seek; i spy; 20 questions- these are all ones i've used.  Also crafts are a good idea - making fruit loop necklaces out of string, playing with sidewalk chalk...this is my favorite age to baby-sit!  Good luck and have fun!

  6. patty cake

    hide n go seak

    pick a book

    sing songs

    have a small dance jam

    read them a book watch a little tv

    relay games

    duck duck goose

  7. Depending on weather their boys or girls you can play quite a few.

    Most will just be entertained by showing off their toys, and some

    not so much. For calm, well-behaved kids, playing games like kitchen,

    house, rolling balls around, and reading are great. For hyper, excited kids

    you have to be a little more careful about what you play.

    Hope this helped !

  8. preschoolers are full of energy. find outlets they can let that energy out. let them be creative. if they enjoy art...paint, sidewalk chalk, teacher them how to draw things, write letters, ..

    kids love to bead!

    listen to, exercise, ...

    go on a nature walk...see how many different "brown" or "green" (or whatever color you decide) things you can find. this helps with colors and counting. you can also play "i spy" to help with colors.

    books...books are amazing. let them "read" to you and tell you the story. also read to them. let them share their favorite book with you.

    preschoolers LOVE chase. chase them around. this can go on for hours. they also enjoy hide-and-seek.

    just make a game out of everything you do.

    hope this helps. :)

    good luck!  

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