
What are some games you can play in a car?

by  |  earlier

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Lets just say i am stuck in a traffic jam and i didnt bring anything to listen,play or do? what are some games i can play?




  1. Spot the cars that you know and say them out loud. Or bring youre video games or bring books to reads or at least sleep.

  2. "where's the brake?"

    "how much gas did you put in the car?"

    "how fast can you go"

    "how many people can you flip off in 30 seconds?"

    "how many stop lights can you run without getting caught?"

  3. dog, cat or human?

    the driver runs something over and you have to guess what it was

  4. Flash truck drivers.

    Hold up signs that says things "honk if your horny"

    Run over rabbits.

    Chinese fire drill. ( walk around the car at red lights)

    See who can hold on to the oh **** bar the longest. (oh **** bar being the handle bar on the celine)

    Play i spy.

  5. look at different drivers and make up stories about them

    like: "that guy lived with his mom untill he was 30"

    or: "that woman has 2 kids and a dog and lives in the suburbs in an identical house"

    that only works with mature people

    spot different licence plates, car colors

  6. Yellow car (punch and shout yellow car)

    Wave at randoms

    Rock the car onto its side

    The number plate game is the best. Rules, say the reg of a car is "pgw 1234" you have to make a phrase out of the letters like "pigs grow weed"

    Its great!

  7. Masterbait

  8. sweet & sour:

      wave or make faces at people in other cars (works best on highway when car is next to you). if they smile or wave back or something they're "sweet". if they ignor you or act mean back they're "sour".

    alphabet game:

      look at signs, street names, car types, licence plates, ect. looking for words with the letters you need to find in abc order.

              ex:  Honda (use a)

                    block st. (use b)

                    car wash (use c).....and so on.....

    they have to be in alphabetical order and you can use the same word over again if the word has that letter you need at the time. you can't use a word that you used 5 letters ago. the letter that you need can be anywhere in the word.

  9. Well there's I Spy (obviously), twenty questions, a word game *like you say the and then you friend says the last letter so elephant and so on*, three word story *you say three words and you go around from that*....

  10. 21 questions

    the name game. wich is you and someone has to say a persons name with every letter of the alphabet and no name can be repeated. and to make it harder do one round male and one round female and one round common names and so on.

  11. the abc game....its fun just look around for sumthing that abc....ect..

  12. license plate game, classic

  13. fore-play...if it is night time and you see a car with four headlights, you yell FORE-PLAY and hit the ceiling.  That means that everyone in the car has to remove an article of clothing but you.  I guess it's not a family game if that's what you're looking for, but it's pretty fun.


  15. if there's someone else in the car with you see which one of you can find the most license plates with different states on them.

  16. buzz. look it up.

  17. 1.I Spy

    2. The Game where you go through the alphabet and say your name, where you live, your job and what you sell

    So...Letter: A

    My name is...Amy

    I live in...Algeria

    I am an...Acrobat

    and I sell...Armadillos

    3. The License Plate game

    Search license plates and find every state.

    4. Try to get through the whole alphabet with each person saying one letter. But without planning it out, two people can't say the same letter at the same time.

    5. Concentration

    Keep the beat with a clap and slap your legs. say this to the beat, Concentration, Concentration is the game. Keep the rhythm, keep the rhythm all the same. Subject . . Animals (or whatever you want). Starting with . . (someone in the car)

    The subjects can be girls names, fruit, places starting with B - Anything! And each person, in an order, has to say something in the category - to the beat! If you take too long and miss a beat, you're out!

    6. 21 questions

    Someone thinks of a person, place or thing and the others have to guess what it is in 21 YES OR NO questions.

    7. Punch Buggy

    See who can spot the most Voltswagon beetles. When you see one, you lightly punch the person's shoulder next to you, and say Punch Buggy Red! Or whatever color you see. Some people play with taxis and limos too : )

    8. The game where you say one word (Can play with or without catagories!) like...Bus. Then the other person has ot say a word starting with the last letter of the other word like, Saturn, and the next person will say...Nissan. or whatever. You get it.

    I'll think of more...

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