
What are some genetic differences between prokaryotic and eukoryatic cells?

by Guest33210  |  earlier

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I am looking for genetic differences so if you know of websites etc that can help me in this I'd appreciate knowing about them :D ty




  1. Prokaryotic- are more primitive cells. They have no nucleus. Prokaryotic actually means 'before the nucleus'. they have minimum internal organisation (i.e primitive). they do not have membrane bound organelles. typical Prokaryotic include simple cells like bacteria and blue-green algae. These cells are usually a fraction of a micrometre & possess a uniquely simple structure. the surface layer of Prokaryotes is most often the capsule (bacteria) or sheath (blue-green algae) which is important, particulary in bacteria, as a protection, against host defences. Inside the surface layer is a rigid cell wall. This is not found in all cases. In blue-green algae this wall is commonly cellulose, but in bacteria it is composed of unique materials called peptidoglycans (protein & carbohydrate). Many bacteria have appendages. These are either flagella (fine whip-like structures) or pili/fimbriae which are extremely small surface projections.


    a plasma membrane surrounds the prokaryotic cell & encloses the cytoplasm. Prokaryotic cells do not have an endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, golgi complex or nuclear envelope (membrane bound organelles). Layers of cytoplasmic membranes are often found in Prokaryotic cell, & in addition mesosomes or inward folds of the cytoplasmic membrane are found in some bacteria. Ribosomes are found throughout most Prokaryotic cells. The nuclear material in the Prokaryotic cell is alwats present as one or several strands of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA).

    EUKARYOTIC CELLS are much more complex.

    All animals, plants, fungi and protozoans have eukaryotic cells. eukaryotic cells are much larger than prokaryotes (cell volumes are 1000 to 10 000 times larger). They have a well formed, membrane-enclosed nucleus which contains the 'blueprints' of the cell (DNA) and have a series of complex membrane-bound internal sub-structures called cellular organelles.


    Eukaryotic cells have 3 basic components.

    1. The nucleus

    2. The cytoplasm- which surrounds the nucleus & contains subcellular particles (enclosed in membranes) called organelles which perform specific functions in the cell.

    3. the plasma membrane- which encloses the cytoplasm & forms the outer boundary of the cell.

  2. eukaryotic sales have some of their DNA inside mitochondria and (in the case of plants) chloroplasts.  These are thought to have arisen by a process called endosymbiosis (more on this in Wikipedia).

    Eukaryotic cells also commonly have much larger genomes, including large amounts of so-called "junk" DNA, much of which is being discovered to have an important regulatory function, exerted through substances called mRNA and sRNA, on which you can also do a search.

    You should also be aware that prokaryotes actually include two kingdoms, archaea and eubacteria, as different from each other in their own ways as either a from eukaryotes.

  3. Eukaryotes have a necleus, prokaryotes don't!

  4. Tabular list of differences between Archaea, Bacteria and Eukaryotes

    Hemophilus influenzae has a genome of 1,830,137 base pairs containing 1,743 genes. Of these 1,007 have been shown to have orthology with genes of known function. The remaining 736 genes are thought to have novel functions specific to the bacteria.

    Review of the first 100 genomes sequenced including both prokarya and eukarya.

    A short list of some bacterial chromosome sizes

    Halobacterium genome project

    EMBL bacteria genome page

    Prokarya have been found to show a direct correlation between the GC content of their genome and their optimal growth temperature.

    Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 2005 Feb 25, 327(4), 969 - 70

    In a book by  Brock and Madigan they list 27 distinguishing characteristics.

    Bacteria and Archaea share 15,

    Eukaryotes and Archaea share 8,

    Bacteria and Eukaryotes share only 3"

  5. Well to start off, Prokaryote have fewer DNA moelcules than Eukaryotic cells. Prokaryotes have no nucleus. The DNA in Eukaryotes is found in the nucleus, whereas in eukaryotes it floats around in the cell. Thats pretty much all of it..

    Hope I helped! :>

  6. Where to begin?  A huge difference is the number of genes.  Prokaryotic cells have fewer genes.  Also prokaryotic cells have circular DNA, while eukaryotic cells do not.

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